
CakePHP 2.0 plugin for PayPal Website Payment Pro

Primary LanguagePHP

Paypal Plugin for CakePHP 2.x

Build Status

A CakePHP plugin to interact with Paypal's "classic" and new REST APIs.


  • CakePHP 2.x
  • A PayPal Website Payments Pro account



[GIT Submodule]

In your app directory type:

git submodule add -b master git://github.com/robmcvey/cakephp-paypal.git Plugin/Paypal
git submodule init
git submodule update

[GIT Clone]

In your Plugin directory type:

git clone -b master git://github.com/robmcvey/cakephp-paypal.git Paypal


Make sure the plugin is loaded in app/Config/bootstrap.php.


PayPal Classic Methods

Create an instance of the class with your PayPal credentials. For testing purposes, ensure sandboxMode is set to true.

App::uses('Paypal', 'Paypal.Lib');

$this->Paypal = new Paypal(array(
	'sandboxMode' => true,
	'nvpUsername' => '{username}',
	'nvpPassword' => '{password}',
	'nvpSignature' => '{signature}'


Create an order(s) in the following format. setExpressCheckout will return a string URL to redirect the customer to.

$order = array(
	'description' => 'Your purchase with Acme clothes store',
	'currency' => 'GBP',
	'return' => 'https://www.my-amazing-clothes-store.com/review-paypal.php',
	'cancel' => 'https://www.my-amazing-clothes-store.com/checkout.php',
	'custom' => 'bingbong',
	'items' => array(
		0 => array(
			'name' => 'Blue shoes',
			'description' => 'A pair of really great blue shoes',
			'tax' => 2.00,
			'shipping' => 0.00,
			'subtotal' => 8.00,
		1 => array(
			'name' => 'Red trousers',
			'description' => 'Tight pair of red pants, look good with a hat.',
			'tax' => 2.00,
			'shipping' => 2.00,
			'subtotal' => 6.00
 try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
	// $e->getMessage();


Once the customer has returned to your site (see return URL above) you can request their details with the token returned from the setExpressCheckout method.

try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
	// $e->getMessage();


Complete the transaction using the same order details. The $token and $payerId will be returned from the setExpressCheckout method.

$order = array(
	'description' => 'Your purchase with Acme clothes store',
	'currency' => 'GBP',
	'return' => 'https://www.my-amazing-clothes-store.com/review-paypal.php',
	'cancel' => 'https://www.my-amazing-clothes-store.com/checkout.php',
	'custom' => 'bingbong',
	'items' => array(
		0 => array(
			'name' => 'Blue shoes',
			'description' => 'A pair of really great blue shoes',
			'tax' => 2.00,
			'shipping' => 0.00,
			'subtotal' => 8.00,
		1 => array(
			'name' => 'Red trousers',
			'description' => 'Tight pair of red pants, look good with a hat.',
			'tax' => 2.00,
			'shipping' => 2.00,
			'subtotal' => 6.00

try {
	$this->Paypal->doExpressCheckoutPayment($order, $token, $payerId);
} catch (Exception $e) {
	// $e->getMessage();


Charge a credit card. Ensure you are using SSL and following PCI compliance guidelines.

$payment = array(
	'amount' => 30.00,
	'card' => '4008 0687 0641 8697', // This is a sandbox CC
	'expiry' => array(
		'M' => '2',
		'Y' => '2016',
	'cvv' => '321',
	'currency' => 'USD' // Defaults to GBP if not provided

try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
	// $e->getMessage();


Refund a transaction. Transactions can only be refunded up to 60 days after the completion date.

$refund = array(
	'transactionId' => '96L684679W100181R' 	// Original PayPal Transcation ID
	'type' => 'Partial', 					// Full, Partial, ExternalDispute, Other
	'amount' => 30.00, 						// Amount to refund, only required if Refund Type is Partial
	'note' => 'Refund because we are nice',	// Optional note to customer
	'reference' => 'abc123',  				// Optional internal reference
	'currency' => 'USD'  					// Defaults to GBP if not provided

try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
	// $e->getMessage();

PayPal REST Methods

Create an instance of the class with your PayPal credentials, including your client ID and secret key For testing purposes, ensure sandboxMode is set to true.

App::uses('Paypal', 'Paypal.Lib');

$this->Paypal = new Paypal(array(
	'sandboxMode' => true,
	'nvpUsername' => '{username}',
	'nvpPassword' => '{password}',
	'nvpSignature' => '{signature}',
	'oAuthClientId' => '{client ID}',
	'oAuthSecret' => '{secret key}',

Store card in vault

You can store a customer's card in the vault, in return for a token which can be used for future transactions.

$creditCard = array(
	'payer_id' => 186,
	'type' => 'visa',
	'card' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxx8697',
	'cvv2' => 232,
	'expiry' => array(
	    'M' => '2',
        'Y' => '2018',
	'first_name' => 'Joe',
	'last_name' => 'Shopper'

try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
	// $e->getMessage();

Charge a stored card

Once a card is stored in the vault, you can make a charge(s) on that card using the token issued when it was first stored.

$cardPayment = array(
	'intent' => 'sale',
	'payer' => array(
		'payment_method' => 'credit_card',
		'funding_instruments' => array(
			0 => array(
				'credit_card_token' => array(
					'credit_card_id' => 'CARD-39N7854321M2DDC2',
					'payer_id' => '186'
	'transactions' => array(
		0 => array(
			'amount' => array(
				'total' => '0.60',
				'currency' => 'GBP',
				"details" => array(
					"subtotal" => "0.50",
					"tax" => "0.10",
					"shipping" => "0.00"
			'description' => 'This is test payment'

try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
	// $e->getMessage();

PayPal Adaptive Payments

Create an instance of the class with your PayPal credentials, including your Adaptive App ID and Adaptive username. For testing purposes, ensure sandboxMode is set to true.

App::uses('Paypal', 'Paypal.Lib');

$this->Paypal = new Paypal(array(
	'sandboxMode' => true,
	'nvpUsername' => '{username}',
	'nvpPassword' => '{password}',
	'nvpSignature' => '{signature}',
	'adaptiveAppID' => '{adaptive app id}',
	'adaptiveUserID' => '{adaptive user id}'


The GetVerifiedStatus API operation lets you determine whether the specified PayPal account's status is verified or unverified.

try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
	// $e->getMessage();