
this is a blog application with authentication and authorization, using the JSON web token or JWT.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Blog app

this is a blog application with authentication and authorization, using the jsonWebToken or jwt.

There are two destinations in the architecture of the app.

  • views or client side
  • the CRUD side (create, read, update, delete).

views can be directly accessed by going to localhost:4000, but to apply crud operations in the database, you need to interact with the API through postman or some other service.

The endpoints.

 there are 7 endpoints in this application.
    1. /
    2. /articles/name-of-the-article
    3. post /admin/post/ ->  post a new article
    4. post /admin/new  -> post a new admin
    5. delete /admin/post/id-of-the-post -> delete particular article.
    6. put /admin/post/id-of-the-post -> edit article
    7. post /auth -> authenticate user


install all the packages by executing npm install then, head over to localhost:4000/