
Expedia is a ruby wrapper for EAN (Expedia Affiliate Network)

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Expedia Expedia

Expedia is a ruby wrapper for EAN – Expedia Affiliate Network APIs.

Other details of this gem are:


For Rails Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

gem 'expedia'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install expedia

Either you can configure Expedia in code on run-time

Expedia.cid = 55505
Expedia.api_key = 'your_api_key'
Expedia.shared_secret = 'your_shared_secret'
Expedia.locale = 'en_US'
Expedia.currency_code = 'USD'
Expedia.minor_rev = 13
Expedia.use_signature = true # must be false if using ip whitelisting instead of signature
# Optional configuration...
Expedia.timeout = 1 # read timeout in sec
Expedia.open_timeout = 1 # connection timeout in sec

Or you can execute the following command to create an intializer (if you are using rails)

$ rails g expedia:initialize


After configuring keys, default locale, currency and minor_rev for EAN use

# Instentiate api object
api = Expedia::Api.new

# Method to search for a hotel. see http://developer.ean.com/docs/hotel-list/
response = api.get_list({:propertyName => 'Hotel Moa', :destinationString => 'berlin'})

# execute this method to know if there is any exception
response.exception? # false if success

Following methods are expeosed by Expedia::API object

get_static_reservation({}) # To test Reservation (Static Reservation)


if request is successfull you will get a Expedia::HTTPService::Response object in response.
and you can use

response.body # Returns Parsed body of response.


In case of any error a Expedia::APIError object is returned.

Note: Expedia responds with status of 200 even if there is an exception (most of the times). So no Exception is raised!

# See http://developer.ean.com/docs/error-handling/hotel-v3-exception-details/

response.status # Response status
response.error_body # Complete error body
response.category # Value indicating the nature of the exception or the reason it occurred
response.presentation_message # Presentation error message returned
response.verbose_message # More specific detailed error message
response.handling # value indicating the severity of the exception and how it may be handled

Test Booking (Static Reservation)

For Static reservation use get_static_reservation() method.

CAUTION: Do Not send adress and booking information (creditCardNumber, creditCardIdentifier, creditCardExpirationMonth, creditCardExpirationYear, address1) in parameters to the method. Especially do not pass address1 parameter They are already been taken care of. For more on Static booking see Static Test Booking Credit Card Information

A static Booking example.

response = api.get_static_reservation({	:arrivalDate => "10/10/2013", :departureDate => "10/12/2013",
                                        :hotelID => 359433, :supplierType => "E", :rateKey => "084eab14-335e-46d6-aa2e-766fce6be32c",
                                        :roomTypeCode => 200007964, :rateCode => 200865704, :chargeableRate => "142.8",
                                        :room1 => "1", :room1FirstName => "test", :room1LastName => "testers", :room1BedTypeId => "15",
                                        :room1SmokingPreference => "NS", :email => "test@tesing.com", :city => 'Bellevue',
                                        :stateProvinceCode => 'WA', :countryCode => 'US', :postalCode => 98004 })


Expedia::Utils.logger points to STDOUT by default. You can use it to Log in Rails applications.

Expedia::Utils.logger = Rails.logger

# And loggig methods available
[:debug, :info, :warn, :error, :fatal]

# Default logger level is Logger::ERROR. You can change it by setting
Expedia.logger.level = Logger::DEBUG # Or whatever level you want...


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4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request