codeperfectplus wakatime

Blog Linkedin Dev to HackerRank Discord Server Youtube

from life import Creativity

class Life(Creativity):
    def __init__(self):
        self.founder = "Py-Contributors"
        self.current_job_title = "Associate Data Scientist"
        self.current_company = "Scry Analytics"  

    def current_projects(self):
        self.currently_learning = "Computer vision & Deep Learning 📚"
        self.currently_working_on = "Computer Vision 🌱"
        self.excited_for = "Internt of Things 🌎"
    def contact_me(self): = ""
    def star_it(self):
        if repo.useful:
            returndef fork_it(self):
        if repo.useful:
            return 🍴
if '__repo__' == '__helpful__':

Sponsors 📢

  1. <your product/logo/link here>
  2. Mention in every release/PyPI and mention in documentation.
  3. Mention on website(currently under construction) with logo/link

Open-Source Projects Maintained

Project Description Package
Sanatio Document, String, Number, Date, Email, Username, Password Validator for Python
Discord Feed Bot Discord bot for automating RSS feed updates
AudioBook Listen to your favorite books with this audiobook app
Dataset-convertor Convert your dataset into different formats
Random-Profile-Generator Generate random profiles for your projects
Site-cloner Clone any website with this tool
movens CLI/GUI tool to manage files smartly
QuickDB Light weight database for python, with a simple API and a simple file format
Cybel Discord bot for the cybel community
Stock-Dashboard Dashboard/Alert to track stock prices

Up Coming Projects

Project Description
Release Github CI action for PyPI packge release automation
Faciem Face Authenticatio implementation in Tensorflow
Voicem Voice Authentication implementation in Tensorflow
Metrics ML\DL Metrics implementation in Python


🛠️ Languages & Tools:

Python C++

Postgres Sqlite

Numpy Pandas Keras Tensorflow SkLearn

Heorku Jupyter Colab

HTML CSS BootStrap Django flask FastAPI

VSCode Git Github Docker

Linux windows

Hackathon Projects

Project Description
IACAH India Academia Connect AI Hackathon
Hacktoberfest Open Source Contribution 2020-21-22
HackSquad Top 60 teams were selected as winners for open source contribution 2022

Show ❤️ by starring some of the repositories!

Thank you for visiting my profile! 😊