
Blog app made with typescript. graphQL and react relay

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Z-blog app Frontend Repo.

To run this app in your local Machine.

Note: Typescript must be installed in your system.

  • $ git clone repo url
  • $ npm install (in this project directory)
  • $ npm start

  • React relay is used for frontend graphQL requests.
  • After running the app relay will create __generated__ folder.
  • Relay will compile all your Queries and Mutations into __generated__ folder, it is very helpful as if there is any error, relay compiler will throw an error so we can avoid runtime errors.

  • When creating a Blog you can write Markdown text like github Readme.md and it will reflect in the blog.
  • React Markdown is used for rendering the Markdown text.

  • Everytime when you change your schenma or add new Queries, Fragments or Mutations in the Frontend or Server side, you must run the relay compiler.
  • There is a script in package.json file, $npm run compile which will update your schema and relay will compile all your Graphql queries.

  • Firebase is used for image storage.
  • create a firebase app in your firebase console.
  • There is a file firebase.ts in the config folder, where you have to store your firebase config
  • Go to your firebase console and replace the firebaseConfig object with yours.

Note: My Config file will not work in your machine as i've restricted the access.

  • You will have to create images folder into your firebase app storage settings.
  • in rules you have to set read and write to true.

Some screenshots of the app

  • This app is not deployed yet.

  • Home Page homepage homepage

  • Blog Details with like and comment Mutation homepage

  • Create a blog with Markdown text like Github Readme.md homepage

  • Profile Page with Image update. homepage