Python exercise.

Jupyter notebooks and individual scripts included.

exercise using core python.

core python implementation I created a small library called redpandas which have the following features

Class: RedPandas

ReadCSV: read_csv(self, filepath, sep=',')

: It reads the *sv file and stores them as a python dict. with column headers as keys and values as list of those keys. : example read_csv('NST-EST2015-alldata.csv', sep='\t')

Filter DataFrame: filter_df(self, df, filter_element, condition)

: It takes input as dataframe which is the output of read_csv and filters a particular colunm based of the condition specified in the lamda expression. : example filter_df(df, 'SUMLEV', (lambda a: a==40))

Sort DataFrame: sort_df(self, df, sort_element, reverse=True)

: It takes input as the dataframe and column-name which is to be sorted. When that particular column is being sorted along with that all the other column values gets shuffled with respect to that column index : example sort_df(df, 'POPESTIMATE2015')

Display DataFrame: display_df(self, df, col)

: It takes dataframe and columns names as list and displays in tabular format : example display_df(df, col= ['POPESTIMATE2015','NAME' ])

Module: histogram

: histogram(data_list, bins=3) : equal_width_binning(l, bins=3) : mapper(bucket, item)

Histogram: histogram(data_list, bins=3)

: It generates a histogram by transforming numerical values to categorical values having equal width bins. equal_width_binning(l, bins=3) creates the break points and returns a bucket on n-bins having equal width. mapper(bucket, item) is responsible for counting the values that fall under those bins. Finally histogram(data_list, bins=3) converges all these and returns a dict having keys as buckets and values as count.

: It is the main script which demonstrates the task-1 and task-1 in action.

Jupyter Files:

: Task-1

: Task-2

exercise using pandas and numpy



