
this repo contain code related to MERN + Blockchain task


this repo contain code related to MERN + Blockchain task

👨🏻‍💻 About REPO

  • 💼   This repo contain 4 branches
  • 💼   mernFrontend contain frontend for task-4 (signin and signup page for car CRUD)
  • 💼   mernBackend conatin backend code for CRUD
  • 💼   blockchain branch contain frontend + smart contracts for blockchain tasks

🛠 ABout Runing code

  • 🌐 & you can run mernBackend code by cloning the code and then install the node modules and run the code
  • -npm i node_modules -npm run dev
  • 🌐 & you can run mernFrontend code by cloning the code and then install the node modules and run the code
  • -npm i node_modules -npm start
    • 🌐 & you can run blockchain code by cloning the code and then install the node modules and run the code
  • -npm i node_modules -npm start ~~ do run ganache and add the ganache accounts in metmask ~~