
Zain Fathoni's personal website built using Remix and deployed at Netlify

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Welcome to Remix!

Netlify Setup

  1. Install the Netlify CLI:
npm i -g netlify-cli

If you have previously installed the Netlify CLI, you should update it to the latest version:

npm i -g netlify-cli@latest
  1. Sign up and log in to Netlify:
netlify login
  1. Create a new site:
netlify init


Ensure all packages are installed by running:

npm install


npm run dev

Open up http://localhost:8888, and you're ready to go!

Serve your site locally

To serve your site locally in a production-like environment, run

npm run start

Your site will be available at http://localhost:8888. Note that it will not auto-reload when you make changes.

Excluding routes

You can exclude routes for non-Remix code such as custom Netlify Functions or Edge Functions. To do this, add an additional entry in the array like in the example below:

export const config = {
  cache: "manual",
  path: "/*",
  // Let the CDN handle requests for static assets, i.e. /_assets/*
  // Add other exclusions here, e.g. "/api/*" for custom Netlify functions or
  // custom Netlify Edge Functions
-  excluded_patterns: ["/_assets/*"],
+  excluded_patterns: ["/_assets/*", "/api/*"],


There are two ways to deploy your app to Netlify, you can either link your app to your git repo and have it auto deploy changes to Netlify, or you can deploy your app manually. If you've followed the setup instructions already, all you need to do is run this:

# preview deployment
netlify deploy --build

# production deployment
netlify deploy --build --prod