
  1. Type the following command to download the GPIO library as a tarball:
    wget http://raspberry-gpio-python.googlecode.com/files/RPi.GPIO-0.4.1a.tar.gz

  2. Unzip the tarball:
    tar zxvf RPi.GPIO-0.4.1a.tar.gz

  3. Change to the directory where tarball was inflated:
    cd RPi.GPIO-0.4.1a

  4. Install the Python GPIO library in RPi:
    sudo python setup.py install

  5. Put file and folder on the following path:
    OZ_pi folder : /home/pi/
    SHLight module : ../jasper/client/modules/SHLight.py

  6. Rerun boot.sh in jasper/boot/ to declare new module and new words.