
Hello, my name is Zain Sadaqat and this is my portfolio's repository. Portfolio has been created with HTML, CSS, JavaScript. You can find the live link to my portfolio right below to this description.

Primary LanguageCSS


Hello, my name is Zain Sadaqat and this is my portfolio's repository. Portfolio has been created with HTML, CSS, JavaScript. You can find the live link to my portfolio right below to this description.

Desktop View


Mobile View


Live Demo

Demo Link:

Built With

  • HTML5
    • Semantic HTML
  • CSS3
    • Flexbox
    • CSS Grid
    • Media Queries
    • Transitions
    • Animations
    • Keyframes
  • JavaScript
    • DOM Manipulation
    • Dynamically Developed Sections

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


  • You need a code editor ( VS Code Recommended ) and git installed on your machine.
  • In case if you don't have installed VS Code then you can download it from the link given below:
  • In case if you don't have installed Git then you can download it from the link given below:



  • Project will be open in Desktop view but if you want to check in the mobile view then press ctrl + shift + i or right click and select the inspect option and click the mobile icon available on left side of the chrome inspector tool and If you're using firefox it's available on right side.


👤 Zain Sadaqat

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.