
Parametric models, and particularly neural networks, require weight initialization as a starting point for gradient-based optimization. In most current practices, this is accomplished by using some form of random initialization. Instead, recent work shows that a specific initial parameter set can be learned from a population of tasks, i.e., dataset and target variable for supervised learning tasks. Using this initial parameter set leads to faster convergence for new tasks (model-agnostic meta-learning). Currently, methods for learning model initializations are limited to a population of tasks sharing the same schema, i.e., the same number, order, type and semantics of predictor and target variables. In this paper, we address the problem of meta-learning parameter initialization across tasks with different schemas, i.e., if the number of predictors varies across tasks, while they still share some variables. We propose Chameleon, a model that learns to align different predictor schemas to a common representation. We use permutations and masks of the predictors of the training tasks at hand. In experiments on real-life data sets, we show that Chameleon successfully can learn parameter initializations across tasks with different schemas providing a 26\% lift on accuracy on average over random initialization and of 5\% over a state-of-the-art method for fixed-schema learning model initializations. To the best of our knowledge, our paper is the first work on the problem of learning model initialization across tasks with different schemas.

Primary LanguagePython

Chameleon V2

Created by: Lukas Brinkmeyer and Rafael Rego Drumond


This code is built on top of Reptile's original implenentation from:

    Alex Nichol, Joshua Achiam, John Schulman
    Website: https://openai.com/blog/reptile/
    Git:     https://github.com/openai/supervised-reptile
    Paper:   https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.02999
             title={On first-order meta-learning algorithms},
             author={Nichol, Alex and Achiam, Joshua and Schulman, John},
             journal={CoRR, abs/1803.02999},

If you use our code, please reference the paper above and our paper:

 Chameleon: Learning Model Initializations Across Tasks With Different Schemas
 Lukas Brinkmeyer and Rafael Rego Drumond
      title={Chameleon: Learning Model Initializations Across Tasks With Different Schemas},
      author={Lukas Brinkmeyer and Rafael Rego Drumond and Randolf Scholz and Josif Grabocka and Lars Schmidt-Thieme},


Most of the used datasets are in OpenML Run the script openmldataset/openml_download.py to download the datasets used in the paper. In each folder you will have features.npy and labels.npy, if you want combined experiments copy from the other folders as features_test.npy and labels_test.npy to be used as meta-test-set


You can check our recommended packages in the file recommended.txt


Run the run.py to run the code, you can use the following arguments. Resulting learning curves will be saved in the results folder

  --seed SEED           random seed (default: 0)
  --checkpoint CHECKPOINT
                        checkpoint directory (default: model_checkpoint)
  --save_path SAVE_PATH
                        checkpoint directory (default: exp_1581008235)
  --num_jobs NUM_JOBS   Number of jobs to run in parallel (default: 5)
  --inner_batch INNER_BATCH
                        inner batch size (default: 30)
  --inner_iters INNER_ITERS
                        inner iterations (default: 10)
  --learning_rate LEARNING_RATE
                        Adam step size (default: 0.0001)
  --meta_step META_STEP
                        meta-training step size (default: 0.01)
  --meta_batch META_BATCH
                        meta-training batch size (default: 1)
  --meta_iters META_ITERS
                        meta-training iterations (default: 15001)
  --min_feats MIN_FEATS
                        Min number of features (default: 4)
  --max_feats MAX_FEATS
                        Max number of features (default: 8)
  --freeze FREEZE       whether a permuting network is added (default: False)
  --conv_layers CONV_LAYERS
                        Number and size of conv layers (default: [8,16,14])
  --base_layers BASE_LAYERS
                        Number and size of base layers (default: [64,64])
  --perm_epochs PERM_EPOCHS
                        training epochs for permuter (default: 501)
  --perm_lr PERM_LR     permuter learning rate (default: 0.0001)
  --num_test_features NUM_TEST_FEATURES
                        Ratio of feature split for train test (default: 0)
  --test_feat_ratio TEST_FEAT_RATIO
                        Ratio of feature split for train test (default: 0.0)
  --name NAME           name add-on (default: Model_config-1581008235)
  --dataset DATASET     data set to evaluate on (default: codrna)
  --data_dir DATA_DIR   Path to datasets (default: ./Data/selected)
  --config CONFIG       json config file (default: None)

--inner_iters 5 --meta_iters 5 --perm_epochs 5