
An essential and powerful library of dart extensions to remove the boilerplate and speed up the development process.

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An essential and powerful library of dart extensions to remove the boilerplate and speed up the development process.


  1. Go to pubspec.yaml
  2. Add extensions_kit and replace [version] with the latest version:
 extensions_kit: ^[version]
  1. Click on get packages button or run flutter pub get
  2. Import
import 'package:extensions_kit/extensions_kit.dart';

Available Extensions & Methods 🔥

String Extensions

// Validate an email
"example@mail.com".isEmailAddress; // true

// Capitalizes each word in the string
"hello world".capitalize; // Hello World

// Capitalizes the first word in the string
"hello world".capitalizeFirst; // Hello world

// Mocks a string that needs to be translated or changed later
"Hello world".mock; //Hello world 🧨

// Check if a string is boolean
// If `caseSensitive` is `true`, which is the default,
//The only accepted inputs are the strings `"true"` and `"false"`,
"true".isBool(); // true
"TRUE".isBool(); // false 
"TRUE".isBool(caseSensitive: false); // true 

// Convert a string into a boolean
// Throws error if the string is not a Boolean.
// If `caseSensitive` is `true`, which is the default,
//The only accepted inputs are the strings `"true"` and `"false"`,
"true".toBool(); // true
"TRUE".toBool(); // throws error 
"TRUE".toBool(caseSensitive: false); // true

// Check if the string is a number
"123".isNum; // true
"12fh".isNum; // false

// Convert a string into a number
"123".toNum; // 123

// Check if a string is a double number
"123.45".isDouble; // true

// Convert a string into a double
"123.12".toDouble; // 123.12

// Check if a string is an integer
"123".isInt; // true

// Convert a string into an integer
"123".toInt; // 123

// Remove all the whitespace from the string
"This is a test string".removeAllWhitespace; // Thisisateststring

// Check if the String matches the Regular expression
"username_10".hasMatch("r'[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890._]"); // true

// Copy a string to Clipboard
Ext.copy("Hello World"); // `Hello World` copied to clipboard

Media Query Extensions

From the MediaQuery Access properties right in the context instance.

// Before
     width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width,
     height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height,

// Now
     width: context.screenWidth, // 100% of screen width
     height: context.screenHeight, // 100% of screen height
     width: context.w(50), // 50% of screen width
     height: context.h(40.5), // 40.5% of screen height

Theme Extensions

// Returns boolean 
context.isDarkMode; // true/false
context.isLightMode; // true/false

Date Extensions

To format DateTime

// Formats `DateTime` into readable form according to the given format
DateTime.now().format("dd/MM/yyyy - hh:mm a") // 20/12/2023 - 08:00 PM
// Get Date only
DateTime(2023,12,16,11,40,00,0,0).dateOnly; // DateTime(2023,12,16) *time set to midnight

// Check if [DateTime] is on the same day as today
DateTime.now().isToday; // true

// Check if [DateTime] was on the same day as yesterday
DateTime.now().isYesterday; // false

// Check if [DateTime] will be on the same day as tomorrow
DateTime.now().isTomorrow; // false

// Add a certain number of DAYS to [DateTime] 
DateTime(2023,12,16).addDays(5); // DateTime(2023,12,21)

// Add a certain number of HOURS to [DateTime]
DateTime(2023,12,16,11,50,0).addHours(10); // DateTime(2023,12,16,21,50,0)

/// The day After this [DateTime]
DateTime(2017, 3, 5).nextDay; // DateTime(2017, 3, 6)

/// The day previous this [DateTime]
DateTime(2017, 3, 5).previousDay; // DateTime(2017, 3, 4)

// First day of the month
DateTime(2018, 9, 30).firstDayOfMonth; // DateTime(2018, 9, 1)

// Last day of the month
DateTime(2017, 3).lastDayOfMonth; // DateTime(2017, 3, 31)

// All days in a month, [DateTime] Array
DateTime(2017, 3).daysInMonth; // [DateTime(2017, 3, 1), DateTime(2017, 3, 2), ...]

// Whether or not two times are on the same day.
DateTime.now().isSameDay(DateTime.now()); // true

// Whether or not two times are on the same week.
DateTime(2017, 3, 5).isSameWeek(DateTime(2017, 3, 6)); // true

DateTime Difference

// Difference between two `DateTime` in years, month and days
DateTime(2015, 1, 1).diffYearsMonthsDays(DateTime.now()) // 8 years 11 months 24 days
DateTime(2015, 1, 1).diffYearsMonthsDays(DateTime.now(), abbr: true) // 8 y 11 m 24 d

// Difference in Days
DateTime(2017, 3, 5).diffDays(DateTime(2017, 3, 6)); // 1

// Difference in Days
DateTime(2017, 3, 5).diffHours(DateTime(2017, 3, 6)); // 24

Similar other available DateTime difference extensions are:

  • diffDays() Difference in Days.
  • diffHours() Difference in Hours.
  • diffMinutes() Difference in Minutes.
  • diffSeconds() Difference in Seconds.

Navigation Extensions

From the Navigator Access properties right in the context instance.

// Before
    MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => SecondScreen()),

// Now

// for push

// For back, you can also add back result data

// for push replacement

// popUntil

// with rootNavigator
context.push(SecondScreen(), rootNavigator: true);
context.pushReplacement(SecondScreen(), rootNavigator: true);
context.popUntil('/login', rootNavigator: true);

Number Extensions

// Get number into its English ordinal representation
1.ordinal; // 1st
3.ordinal; // 3rd
234.ordinal; // 234th

// Get string representation of the number abbreviated to a compact form
999.abbreviated; // "999"
1000.abbreviated; // "1k"
1100.abbreviated; // "1.1k"

// Check if the number is between the given numbers
45.between(40,60); // true
23.between(10,20); // false

// Check if the number is outside the given numbers
60.outside(40,65); // false
23.outside(10,20); // true

An easy way to specify a border radius

// Before
   height: 100,
   width: 100,
   decoration: BoxDecoration(
      borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(25),

// Now
   height: 100,
   width: 100,
   decoration: BoxDecoration(
      borderRadius: 25.circular(),

An easy way to specify padding to a Padding widget

// Before
   padding: EdgetInsets.all(15),
   child: Text("Text"),

// Now
   padding: 15.padAll(),
   child: Text("Text"),

Similar available padding extensions to numbers are:

  • padAll() Creates insets from offsets from all sides.
  • padHrz() Creates insets from offsets from horizontal sides.
  • padVert() Creates insets from offsets from vertical sides.
  • padTop() Creates insets from offsets from the top side.
  • padBottom() Creates insets from offsets from the bottom side.
  • padLeft() Creates insets from offsets from the left side.
  • padRight() Creates insets from offsets from the right side.
  • padOnly() Creates insets from offsets from the given sides only.

Widget Extensions

These widget extensions will help you to reduce boilerplate code and increase your productivity


// Before
    height : 20

// Now
// makes space of 20 height

// for width


// Before
  padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
  child: Text("text"),

// Now

Similar available padding extensions to widgets are:

  • padAll() Creates insets from offsets from all sides.
  • padHrz() Creates insets from offsets from horizontal sides.
  • padVert() Creates insets from offsets from vertical sides.
  • padTop() Creates insets from offsets from the top side.
  • padBottom() Creates insets from offsets from the bottom side.
  • padLeft() Creates insets from offsets from the left side.
  • padRight() Creates insets from offsets from the right side.
  • padOnly() Creates insets from offsets from the given sides only.


// Before
  alignment: Alignment.centerLeft,
  child: Text("text"),

// Now

Similar available Alignment extensions are:

  • center Aligns the widget to the center.
  • leftAlign Aligns the widget to the center left.
  • rightAlign Aligns the widget to the center right.
  • topAlign Aligns the widget to the top center.
  • topLeftAlign Aligns the widget to the top left.
  • topRightAlign Aligns the widget to the top right.
  • bottomAlign Aligns the widget to the bottom center.
  • bottomLeftAlign Aligns the widget to the bottom left.
  • bottomRightAlign Aligns the widget to the bottom right.


/// Before
  child: Text("text"),

// Now

Similar available widget extensions are:

  • unfocus Will [Unfocus] focused text field, It's better to use it on the main parent widget of the screen e.g. Scaffold
  • tooltip() Will wrap the widget with a Tooltip widget
  • flexible() Will wrap the widget with a Flexible widget
  • expanded() Will wrap the widget with an Expanded widget
  • withOpacity() Will wrap the widget with an Opacity widget
  • onDoubleTap() Will wrap the widget with a GestureDetector and accept an onDoubleTap function
  • onTap() Will wrap the widget with a GestureDetector and accept an onTap function
  • onLongPress() Will wrap the widget with a GestureDetector and accept an onLongPress function
  • positionTop() Will wrap the widget with a Positioned widget and accept top position
  • positionBottom() Will wrap the widget with a Positioned widget and accept bottom position
  • positionTB() Will wrap the widget with a Positioned widget and accept top & bottom position
  • positionLT() Will wrap the widget with a Positioned widget and accept left & right position
  • positionLRTB() Will wrap the widget with a Positioned widget and accept left,right,top & bottom position
  • sizedBox(width,height) Will wrap the widget with a SizedBox of given height and width
  • heightBox(height) Will wrap the widget with a SizedBox of a given height
  • widthBox(height) Will wrap the widget with a SizedBox of a given width

Container Extensions

Now we can just add round corners, shadows, align, and add gestures to our Widgets.

      height: 100,
       width: 100,)
         .withRoundCorners(backgroundColor: Colors.grey)

Shimmer Effect


Container(height: 50,width: 50,).applyShimmer();

You can also change the color of the shimmer using baseColor & highlightColor.

Alert Dialog Box

Automatically detect Platform and show Material and Cupertino dialog

context.showAlertDialog(title: 'title', message: 'message',)

Nil Widget

Sometimes, according to a condition, we need to display nothing. Usually, when we can't return null, we would return something like const SizedBox().

This is good, but it has some performance impacts since SizedBox creates a RenderObject. The RenderObject lives in the render tree and some computations are performed on it, even if it paints nothing on the screen.

We can do better, we can have a widget that does not create a RenderObject while being still valid. The Nil widget is the minimal implementation for this use case. It only creates an Element and does nothing while it's building. Because the optimal way to use it, is to call const Nil(), it also comes with a nil constant that you can use everywhere (which is a const Nil()).

// Before
text != null ? Text(text) : const SizedBox()

// Now
text != null ? Text(text) : nil
text != null ? Text(text) : const Nil()


This package includes a comprehensive collection of predefined colors and methods, empowering you to effortlessly enhance the visual appeal of your Flutter applications.

Ext.black; // Color(0xFF000000)
Ext.transparent; // Colors.transparent;

Ext.red500; // Color(0xFFEF4444);
Ext.redHex500; // #EF4444

// Convert a hex color string to a [Color]
Ext.hexToColor("EF4444"); // Color(0xFFEF4444)

// Get [MaterialColor] from [Color]
Ext.getMaterialColor(Ext.red800); // Red Material Color

// Get Random Colors
Ext.randomOpaqueColor; // Random Opaque Color
Ext.randomPrimaryColor; // Random Primary Color
Ext.randomColor; // Random Color

Gap Widget

When it comes to add empty space between widgets inside a Column or a Row, we have multiple options:

  • We can either add a Padding around these widgets but it's very verbose
  • Or we can add SizedBox widgets between them.

Gap is another option. It's like SizedBox but you don't have to know if it's inside a Row or a Column. So that it's less verbose than using a SizedBox.

You just have to add a Gap inside a Column or a Row with the specified extent. The Gap widget also works inside Scrollable widgets such as ListViews. In these cases, it will occupy the space in the same direction as the Scrollable.

return Column(
  children: <Widget>[
    Container(color: Colors.red, height: 20),
    const Gap(20), // Adds an empty space of 20 pixels.
    Container(color: Colors.red, height: 20),

Text Style Extensions

From the TextStyle Access properties right in the context instance.

// Before
Text('Hello World',style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.labelSmall),

Text('Hello World', style: TextStyle(color: Colors.grey, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, fontSize: 40))

// After
Text('Hello World',style: context.textStyles.labelSmall),
// OR
Text('Hello World',style: context.textStyles.displaySmall),
// If you want to bold text then 
Text('Hello World',style: context.textStyles.labelSmall.bold),   

Similar fontWeights are:

  • thick The most thick - FontWeight.w900
  • extraBold Extra-bold - FontWeight.w800
  • bold Bold - FontWeight.bold - FontWeight.w700
  • semiBold Semi-bold - FontWeight.w600
  • medium Medium - FontWeight.w500
  • regular Regular - FontWeight.w400
  • light Light - FontWeight.w300
  • extraLight Extra-light - FontWeight.w200
  • thin Thin, the least thick - FontWeight.w100

Similar TextStyles are:

  • context.textStyles.displayLarge
  • context.textStyles.displayMedium
  • context.textStyles.displaySmall
  • context.textStyles.headlineLarge
  • context.textStyles.headlineMedium
  • context.textStyles.headlineSmall
  • context.textStyles.titleLarge
  • context.textStyles.titleMedium
  • context.textStyles.titleSmall
  • context.textStyles.bodyLarge
  • context.textStyles.bodyMedium
  • context.textStyles.bodySmall
  • context.textStyles.labelLarge
  • context.textStyles.labelMedium
  • context.textStyles.labelSmall


If you do not want use theme textsyles, then there are methods that you can use on a Text widget

Text('Hello World')

Similar methods are:

  • textScale() TextScale
  • bold() Bold Text
  • italic() Italic Text
  • fontWeight() Specific FontWeight
  • fontSize() Specific FontSize
  • letterSpacing() Specific LetterSpacing
  • wordSpacing() Specific WordSpacing
  • fontFamily() Specific FontFamily
  • textShadow() Specific TextShadow
  • textColor() TextColor
  • textAlignment() Specific TextAlignment
  • withUnderLine() TextUnderLine

Url Strategy

With a simple call of setPathUrlStrategy, your Flutter web app does not have a leading # in the URL anymore 🚀

void main() {
// Here we set the URL strategy for our web app.
// It is safe to call this function when running on mobile or desktop as well.

Avatar Image

   backgroundImage: NetworkImage(
     shape: AvatarImageShape.standard,
     size: ImageSize.LARGE,
     child: Text('Lucky'),
          backgroundColor: Colors.red,

    shape: AvatarImageShape.circle,
    child: Text('JP'),
    backgroundColor: Colors.red,

avatar-image avatar-name

Properties Description
child type of [Widget], which can have text , icon etc
backgroundColor Color to fill the background of avatar
foregroundColor Color to change the textColor inside the avatar
radius size of the avatar
minRadius minimum size of the avatar
maxRadius maximun size of the avatar
size size of the avatar i.e ImageSize.large, ImageSize.medium, ImageSize.small
shape shape of the avatar i.e, AvatarImageShape.standard, AvatarImageShape.circle, AvatarImageShape.square
borderRadius extra radius to avatar shapes, not applicable to circular avatar

Distance Between Coordinates

Calculates the great-circle distance in Kilometers between two geographic coordinates using the Haversine formula.

double distance = Ext.getDistanceFromCoordinates(37.7749, -122.4194, 34.0522, -118.2437);


Utility methods for showing a Snackbar with customizable options.

Ext.showMessageSnackbar("This is a message Snackbar", context); // Message Snackbar

Ext.showErrorSnackbar("This is an Error Snackbar", context); // Error Snackbar

Ext.showInfoSnackbar("This is an info Snackbar", context); // Info Snackbar


If this package helped you please leave a like and share it with your friends.

Acknowledgments and References

Bugs or Feature Requests

If you encounter any problems feel free to open an issue. If you feel the library is missing a feature, please raise a ticket. Pull requests are also welcomed.