
A High-Level PHP-API for the location-based service Foursquare

Primary LanguagePHP



  • User retrieval
  • Friend(s) retrieval
  • Get Check-in from User
  • Get Venue (also from User via Check-in)
  • Get Check-in Stats
  • Get Check-in Tips
  • Get Major from Venue
  • Caching
  • Get Venue Categories
  • List Categories
  • Search for Venues (from you or veryone nearby)
  • Search for Tips (from you or veryone nearby)
  • Search for Users (only non friends) by Name, Phone or Twitter Nickname
  • Search for Friends by Name, Phone or Twitter Nickname
  • Checkin at any Venue :) - finally! (clears the user object cache and history to have the checkin immediately in your history)
  • Retrieve the score of any Checkin
  • Add Tips
  • Mark Tips as done
  • Accept, deny, create Friend Requests


  • Implement Badges on Checkins
  • ... some more I forgot ;)

Basic Usage


$auth = new Phoursquare_Auth_Http();

$service = new Phoursquare($auth);

// Partly implemented

$auth = new Phoursquare_Auth_Oauth();

// Before the first connection the username & password
// is exchanged for token & secret token
$service = new Phoursquare($auth);

Setup as Singleton:

$service = PhoursquareSingleton::getInstance();

// if(!$service->hasAuth()) {
if(!PhoursquareSingleton::hasAuthInstance()) {
    require_once 'Phoursquare/Auth/Http.php';
    $auth    = new Phoursquare_Auth_Http();

// if(!$service->hasCache()) {
if(!PhoursquareSingleton::hasCacheInstance()) {
    require_once 'Zend/Cache.php';
    $cache = Zend_Cache::factory(
        'Core', 'File',
            'lifetime' => 360,
            'automatic_serialization' => true
            'cache_dir' => sys_get_temp_dir()


You can use your own Cache Class by only extending it from Phoursquare_Cache_AbstractCache or use Zend_Cache

require_once 'Zend/Cache.php';
$cache = Zend_Cache::factory(
    'Core', 'File',
        'lifetime' => 360,
        'automatic_serialization' => true
        'cache_dir' => sys_get_temp_dir()



You can search through an fluid interface which loads the results when you iterate "over" it.

$results = $service->search()
                   ->query(Phoursquare_Query::TIP) //OR Phoursquare::VENUE
                   ->nearby() //OR me()

foreach($results as $result) {

    print $result->getText();

    // loads the related venue
    // Be careful when loading related venues, this can be very time consuming!
    print $result->getRelatedVenue()


Search for Friends/NonFriends

$results = $service->search()

Shortcut methods

  • use ::venue() instead of ::query(Phoursquare_Query::VENUE)
  • use ::tip() instead of ::query(Phoursquare_Query::TIP)
  • use ::friendByName() instead of ::query(Phoursquare_Query::FRIEND_NAME)
  • use ::nonFriendByName() instead of ::query(Phoursquare_Query::NON_FRIEND_NAME)
  • use ::nonFriendByPhone() instead of ::query(Phoursquare_Query::NON_FRIEND_PHONE)
  • use ::nonFriendByTwitter() instead of ::query(Phoursquare_Query::NON_FRIEND_TWITTER)

Instead of using ::geolat() and ::geolong() you can set an address via:

   ... // Query
       'Pariser Platz 4A',

The correspondending geo location will be retrieved via Google Maps Location API. Beware, the Request will fail and maybe throw an Exception when no correct addrress(es) could be found.

GeoLocation retrieval:

// expect $service is a fully initialized instance of Phoursquare
$foundAddresses = $service->geocode(array(
                     'Pariser Platz 4A',

foundAddresses is a collection of GeoLocation Objects with these following methods:

  • getFormattedAddress
  • getLatitude
  • getLongitude

User retrieval:

// Authenticated User
$myself = $service->getAuthenticatedUser();

// Another User (by id)
$user = $service->getUser($uid = 666);

Friend retrieval:

$myself  = $service->getAuthenticatedUser();
$friends = $myself->getFriends()

// OR
// Uses the User from Authentication
$friends = $service->getFriends();

// OR
$friends = $service->getFriends($friendsId = 666);

// Iterate over Friends
// You have to know that the Friend Objects returned are only
// Stubs of real Users, so you have to call the method getFullUser()
$myself  = $service->getAuthenticatedUser();
$friends = $myself->getFriends()
$stub    = $friends->current();
$user    = $stub->getFullUser();

// OR short

$user = $this->getAuthenticatedUser()

// Foreach:

$friends = $this->getAuthenticatedUser()->getFriends(); // OR
$friends = $this->getUser($uid = 666)->getFriends();

foreach($friends as $friend) {

    // see User Methods
    $user = $this->getFullUser();

Category retrieval & traversing:

$cineplex = $service->getCategories()
$name = $cineplex->getNodename();

// OR

$cineplex = $service->getCategory(78973);

// You can also iterate over Siblings

$siblings = $service->getCategory(78973)

foreach($siblings as $sibling) {

    // Should never print 78973
    print $sibling->getId();

// Traversing

$cineplex = $service->getCategory(78973);
$theater  = $cineplex->getParentCategory();

Check-in & Venue retrieval:

$myself   = $service->getAuthenticatedUser();
$checkins = $myself->getCheckins($limit = 25, $sinceId = null);

foreach($checkins as $checkin) {

    $msg   = $checkin->getDisplayMessage();
    $venue = $checkin->getVenue();

    $address => array(
        'address    => $venue->getAddress(),
        'city'      => $venue->getCity(),
        'zip-code'  => $venue->getZipCode()

// OR
// Note: This venue will not be attached to any checkin
//       If you load a venue via a Checkin the venue will
//       stay in relation to a Checkin
$venue = $service->getVenue($venueId = 666);

// check-in into this venue
    'shout' => 'Whoohoo, my first checkin!',
    'twitter' => true

Venue Statistics:

$stats = $service->getAuthenticatedUser()

// For an overview of the avialable Methods, scroll down ;)

Venue Tips:

$tips = $service->getAuthenticatedUser()

foreach($tips as $tip) {

    $creator = $tip->getCreator();

// For an overview of the avialable Methods, scroll down ;)

Venue Categories:

$cats = $service->getAuthenticatedUser()

foreach($cats as $category) {

    $name = $category->getNodename();

// For an overview of the avialable Methods, scroll down ;)

Avaliable Methods on User Objects:

// On the authenticated User

  • getId
  • getFirstname
  • getLastname
  • getPhoto
  • getGender
  • getTwitter
  • getFacebook
  • hasTwitter
  • hasFacebook
  • getEmail
  • getPhone
  • getCheckins
  • getLastCheckin

// On Friend from List

  • getId
  • getFirstname
  • getLastname
  • getFullUser

// On User with 'friendship'-relation

  • getId
  • getFirstname
  • getLastname
  • getPhoto
  • getGender
  • getTwitter
  • getFacebook
  • hasTwitter
  • hasFacebook
  • getEmail
  • getPhone
  • getFullUser

// On 'non'-unrelated User

  • getId
  • getFirstname
  • getLastname
  • getPhoto
  • getGender
  • getTwitter
  • getFacebook
  • hasTwitter
  • hasFacebook

Avaliable Methods for Check-ins:

  • getId
  • getVenue
  • getCreated
  • getTimezone
  • hasVenue
  • getVenue

Avaliable Methods for Venues:

  • getId
  • getName
  • getAddress
  • getCity
  • getZipCode
  • getState
  • getGeoLantide
  • getGeoLongitude
  • getStatistics
  • getTips
  • checkinHere

Avaliable Methods for Venue Statistics:

  • getCheckinCount
  • getPeopleCountHereCheckedIn
  • beenHere
  • hasMayor
  • getMayor
  • getRelatedVenue

Avaliable Methods for Venue Tips:

  • getCreator
  • getRelatedVenue
  • getAllTipsFromSameVenue
  • getText
  • getCreated

Avaliable Methods for (Venue) Categories:

  • getId
  • getRelatedVenue
  • getNodename
  • getFullNodepath
  • getIconUrl
  • hasParentCategory
  • getParentCategory
  • find
  • filter