
This is the theme I use for the Doomcasts (short screencasts about Emacs Doom) - work-in-progress

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

Zaiste’s Emacs Theme

This is the theme I use for the Doomcasts (short screencasts about Emacs Doom). It is a spin-off from the Doom One Light theme and remotly inspired by Bluloco by Umut Topuzoğlu.

This theme is not finished and work in progress. I’m releasing it as-is, given the (huge) amounts of comments on my Doomcasts videos. ;)


Put the zaiste-theme inside your /.doom.d/themes/ and then add the following line to your config.el:

 doom-theme 'zaiste
 ;; the rest of your config ...

I’m still figuring out the how to create an Emacs (or an Emacs Doom) theme. Feel free to issue a PR with a proper, more idiomatic method.


  • I use Iosevka Term SS04 as the main font, the light flavour
  • My Org bullet point is this:

Sneak Peek

In Org Mode

Zaiste Theme in Org Mode

In Clojure

In Haskell