
OpenFaaS Node.js 10 (LTS) and Express.js micro-service template

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

OpenFaaS Node.js 10 (LTS) and Express.js micro-service template

This template provides Node.js 10 (LTS) and full access to express.js for building microservices for OpenFaaS, Docker, Knative and Cloud Run.

With this template you can create a new microservice and deploy it to a platform like OpenFaaS for:

  • scale-to-zero
  • horizontal scale-out
  • metrics & logs
  • automated health-checks
  • sane Kubernetes defaults like running as a non-root user

Status of the template

This template is experimental and I would like your feedback through GitHub issues or OpenFaaS Slack.

Supported platforms

  • x86_64 - node10-express-service

Get started

You can create or scaffold a new microservice using the OpenFaaS CLI.

# USERNAME is your Docker Hub account or private Docker registry
$ export USERNAME=alexellisuk

$ faas template pull https://github.com/openfaas-incubator/node10-express-service
$ faas new --lang node10-express-service microservice1 --prefix="${USERNAME}"

Once you've written your code you can run faas-cli build to create a local Docker image, then faas-cli push to transfer it to your registry.

You can now deploy it to OpenFaaS, Knative, Google Cloud Run or even use docker run.

See also: Deploy OpenFaaS

Example usage

Minimal example with one route

"use strict"

module.exports = async (config) => {
    const app = config.app;

    app.get('/', (req, res) => {
        res.send("Hello world");

Minimal example with one route and npm package

npm install --save moment
"use strict"

const moment = require('moment');

module.exports = async (config) => {
    const app = config.app;

    app.get('/', (req, res) => {

Example usage with multiple routes, middleware and ES6

"use strict"

module.exports = async (config) => {
    const routing = new Routing(config.app);

class Routing {
    constructor(app) {
        this.app = app;

    configure() {
        const bodyParser = require('body-parser')
        this.app.use(bodyParser.text({ type : "text/*" }));

    bind(route) {
        this.app.post('/*', route);
        this.app.get('/*', route);
        this.app.patch('/*', route);
        this.app.put('/*', route);
        this.app.delete('/*', route);

    handle(req, res) {
