
an easy way to generate translations for your Go app

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Tarjem is a generator to easy translate your Go application.

Support me to be an independent open-source programmer 💟


tarjem ترجم is an arabic word means 'translate'


  • Simplicity: Tarjem simplifies the translation process by using a structured TOML file (messages.toml) to define translation templates. This makes it easier to manage and update translations compared to embedding them directly in code.
  • Code Generation: By generating Go code (gen.messages.go and gen.errors.go), Tarjem eliminates the need for runtime text processing (like text/template). This results in faster performance and less overhead during execution.
  • Type Safety: The use of structured templates and predefined variables (like {date}, {name}, {quantity}) ensures type safety. This helps prevent runtime errors that may occur with less structured approaches.
  • Clear Separation: Messages are clearly separated into normal messages and error handling messages (Message and MessageError), each with their own specific handling and usage patterns.
  • Out-of-the-Box Error Handling: Tarjem provides built-in support for error handling messages, including status indicators (Status) and error-specific formatting. This makes it straightforward to handle and present errors consistently across an application.
  • Support for Multiple Languages: By allowing multiple translations for each message (english, arabic in the example), Tarjem facilitates multi-language support without cluttering the main application logic.


go install github.com/zakaria-chahboun/tarjem@latest


You have to create a messages.toml file, example:

# messages.toml file

# normal 😇
Code = "last_date_pay_bill"
Variables = {date="datetime"}
english = "The last date for paying bills is {date}."
arabic = "آخر أجل لتستديد الفواتير هو {date}"

# error handling 🥲
Code = "err_user_access_denied"
Status = "danger" # optional
english = "Incorrect Username or Password! Try again."
arabic = "إسم المستخدم أو كلمة المرور غير صحيحة! حاول من جديد."

# error handling 🥲
Code = "error_stock_limit_exceeded"
Status = "warning" # optional
Variables = {name="string", quantity="int"}
english = "Stock limit exceeded! Only {quantity} left in stock {name}."
arabic = "تم تجاوز حد المخزون! لم يتبقى سوى {quantity} من مخزون {name}."

or just create it by tarjem init.

As you see, we split messages in two parts:

normal messages error handling messages
Code = any name you want! Code name starts with err or error.

Generate go files

run tarjem to export final go files.

In error case, You will have a pretty cool error messages (thanks to cute package) 😍:

In your current folder you will have "gen.messages.go" which contains all normal messages. And you will have also "gen.errors.go" which contains all error handling messages if exists!

normal message example error handling message example
func CreateLastDatePayBill(date time.Time) (m *Message) func ReportErrUserAccessDenied() (m *MessageError)

The result will be like that:


package tarjem

import (

type Message struct {
	Code    string
	Message string

/* Message method */
func (this *Message) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("%v: %v", this.Code, this.Message)

/* language type */
type Lang string

/* to store locally the current language used in app */
var currentLang Lang

/* to set the current language used in app */
func SetCurrentLang(language Lang) {
	currentLang = language

/* enum: Message.Code */
const (
	LastDatePayBill = "last_date_pay_bill"

/* enum: Templates.{lang} */
const (
	LangArabic  Lang = "arabic"
	LangEnglish Lang = "english"

func CreateLastDatePayBill(
	date time.Time,
) (m *Message) {
	m = &Message{}
	m.Code = LastDatePayBill
	switch currentLang {
	case LangArabic:
		m.Message = fmt.Sprintf("آخر أجل لتستديد الفواتير هو %v", date.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"))
	case LangEnglish:
		m.Message = fmt.Sprintf("The last date for paying bills is %v.", date.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"))


package tarjem

import (

type MessageError struct {
	Code    string
	Status  Status // optional
	Message string

/* MessageError method */
func (this *MessageError) Error() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("%v: %v", this.Code, this.Message)

/* enum: MessageError.Code */
const (
	ErrUserAccessDenied     = "err_user_access_denied"
	ErrorStockLimitExceeded = "error_stock_limit_exceeded"

/* status type */
type Status string

/* enum: MessageError.Status */
const (
	StatusDanger  Status = "danger"
	StatusWarning Status = "warning"

func ReportErrUserAccessDenied() (m *MessageError) {
	m = &MessageError{}
	m.Code = ErrUserAccessDenied
	m.Status = StatusDanger
	switch currentLang {
	case LangArabic:
		m.Message = fmt.Sprintf("إسم المستخدم أو كلمة المرور غير صحيحة! حاول من جديد.")
	case LangEnglish:
		m.Message = fmt.Sprintf("Incorrect Username or Password! Try again.")

func ReportErrorStockLimitExceeded(
	name string,
	quantity int,
) (m *MessageError) {
	m = &MessageError{}
	m.Code = ErrorStockLimitExceeded
	m.Status = StatusWarning
	switch currentLang {
	case LangArabic:
		m.Message = fmt.Sprintf("تم تجاوز حد المخزون! لم يتبقى سوى %d من مخزون %s.", quantity, name)
	case LangEnglish:
		m.Message = fmt.Sprintf("Stock limit exceeded! Only %d left in stock %s.", quantity, name)


  • Required fields ✅:
    • Code
    • [Messages.Templates]
  • Optional fields 🤷:
    • Status
    • Variables

In [Messages.Templates] there is no rule to create the name of languages fields. You can write any field name you want:

english = "...."
arabic = "...."

en = "...."
ar = "...."

anglais = "...."
arabe = "...."

#or 👀
lang1 = "...."
lang2 = "...."
lang3 = "...."

⚠️ But the languages fields must be identical in all messages.

Variables and Types

You can add Variables in your templates, These types are allowed:

int, float, string, date, time, datetime

Of course you can add these variables as placeholders in templates. You can call a variable many times in template 👍🏻:

Code = "test"
Variables = {name="string"}
en = "My name is {name}, Can you call me {name} 🤠?"
fr = "Je m'appelle {name}, pouvez-vous m'appeler {name} 🤠?"

Change package name

As you can see. The generated files has package tarjem! You can change it by:

# e.g translations
tarjem -package translations


run tarjem clear if you want to remove the generated go files:


Now enjoy the simplicity! Also all error messages is located in gen.errors.go file, You can easily return it like an error:

package main

import (

func main() {
	// choose a language 🇬🇧

	// print message
	m := tarjem.CreateLastDatePayBill(time.Now())
	fmt.Println("Message: ", m.Message)

	// error case 🐞
	err := login("@captin_bassam","123456")
  	if err != nil {

func login(name, pass string) error {
  // a way of login 👀
  if name == "@captain_majid" && pass == "gooooal"{
	return nil
  return tarjem.ReportErrUserAccessDenied()

Other arguments

You will find all other arguments in help:

tarjem help

Contribute 🌻

Feel free to contribute or propose a feature or share your idea with us!

twitter: @zaki_chahboun