
Submit emails to PowerMTA with HTTP and JSON instead of SMTP and MIME.

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PowerMTA Email API

Submit emails to PowerMTA with HTTP and JSON instead of SMTP and MIME.

The Email API is used to submit email messages for delivery. You specify address headers, subject, text, and html. The Email API assembles the email, encodes it according to the appropriate standards, and submits it to PowerMTA.

Getting started

Start on PowerMTA server with:

pmtaemailapi -listen -pickup /var/pickup

Submit email messages by posting JSON to

curl -d '{"from":"postmaster@sender.com","to":"nobody@example.com","subject":"Test","text":"This is a test"}'

API reference

The JSON message object can contain the following name/value pairs:

Name Type Description
sender string Envelope sender address
from object/string Address to use in from header
to array/object/string Address(es) to use in to header
cc array/object/string Address(es) to use in cc header
bcc array/object/string Address(es) to use as bcc
subject string Subject line
text string Content for text part
html string Content for html part

An address can be specified as object or as string. An address object contains the following name/value pairs:

Name Type Description
name string Display name
address string Email address

All strings are expected to be encoded as UTF-8. Display names are MIME word-encoded if needed. Text and HTML bodies are transfer-encoded with quoted-printable.

There is no access control. Make sure that the API is listening on private IPs or use a firewall.

Example code


Install requests library with easy_install requests.

import json
import requests

url = "http://localhost:8000/messages"
headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
payload = {
        'from': 'Jim <jim@foo.bar>', 
        'to': 'you@example.com',
        'subject': 'test',
        'text': 'This is a test'}
r = requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers)
print r.status_code
print r.text