
Retrieve Mailgun logs

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Build Status

Python Package to retrieve Mailgun logs for a given domain.


pip install mailgunlog


Command line tool

As a command line tool (use -h for help):

$ mailgunlog <domain> <api-key> --begin 2015/01/01 --end 2015/01/31 --json

If your prefer, call it as an executable module:

$ python -m mailgunlog <domain> <api-key> --begin 2015/01/01 --end 2015/01/31

In order to keep it a little bit secure, define your API Key and Domain from environment variables:

$ export MAILGUN_DOMAIN=example.com
$ export MAILGUN_API_KEY=<mailgunapi-key-goes-here>

Now it's possible to dump logs from an specific number of days ago:

$ python -m mailgunlog <domain> <api-key> --days 5


You can use it inside your project, as a python module:

import mailgunlog

for log in mailgunlog.logs():
    print json.dumps(log, indent=3)


Written by Getup Cloud.

Released under the Apache License 2.0: http://opensource.org/licenses/Apache-2.0