
Consider using node-glob instead of shell expansion

christiannaths opened this issue ยท 5 comments

First, awesome lib! Using this for our internal developer's wiki and it's such a nice & simple solution.


My package.json

 "scripts": {
    "build": "embedme **/*.md"
  "devDependencies": {
    "embedme": "^1.15.0",


Using shell expansion for globbing leads to inconsistencies across platforms.

Because npm is using /bin/sh, and I'm on OSX, I'm stuck with Bash 3.x, and globbing doesn't work the same as it does my usual shell (zsh). Results may vary among other devs on my team.

So given the context above, when I run npm run build a file like foo/bar/baz/ will not be included. However, that file will be included for developer whose /binb/sh points to Bash 4.x, for example.

Proposed Solution

Many node libraries use node-glob to solve this. The downside is that a user must quote glob patterns in their scripts entries, however this pattern is so common that it's easy to find this solution when things don't work as expected.


Currently, I'm handling this (rather naively) with this:

// scripts/build.js

const glob = require('glob');
const { execSync } = require('child_process');

const PATTERN = '**/*.md';

function init(pattern) {
  glob(pattern, {}, function(error, files) {
    const cmd = ['embedme', ...files].join(' ');
    execSync(cmd, { stdio: 'inherit' });

  "scripts": {
    "build": "node scripts/build.js"
  "devDependencies": {
    "embedme": "^1.15.0",
    "glob": "^7.1.4"

I'd be more than happy to contribute with a PR, but I wanted to raise this for discussion first.

Yeah, good call on it being a breaking change. I think the idea to pick a strategy based on quoted/non-quoted glob patterns makes perfect sense. I'll try to find some time this week to put a PR in for this ๐Ÿ‘

Hy dear, I'm trying to use npx embedme wiki/*.md, but it's not working for me. I'm getting "File wiki/*.md doesn't exists" which seems that the wildcard is interpreted as a file name. Am I doing something wrong or is it related to this reported bug?
Using npx embedme wiki/ wiki/script.2md wiki/ is working very well.

I'm using Windows and I built the project with node 11.13

@caesarcc What happens when you do ls wiki/*.md? Same error? Or does it list the files? Also, what shell are you using? (try $(echo $SHELL) --version, or which sh)

Wups, my bad. Just read the part about how you're on Windows. I'm afraid I can't help, I have no idea how globbing works on Windows.

๐ŸŽ‰ This issue has been resolved in version 1.17.0 ๐ŸŽ‰

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