Charm mines all the frequent closed itemsets as described in [2002-charm]. If you want to generate the entire lattice with super/sub-concept links then also look at [2005-charm:tkde]
[2002-charm] Mohammed J. Zaki and Ching-Jui Hsiao. CHARM: an efficient algorithm for closed itemset mining. In 2nd SIAM International Conference on Data Mining. April 2002.
[2005-charm:tkde] Mohammed J. Zaki and Ching-Jui Hsiao. Efficient algorithms for mining closed itemsets and their lattice structure. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 17(4):462–478, April 2005. doi:10.1109/69.846291.
You will also need access to the utils files:
- Generate a data file using the IBM data generator program, gen. OR Start with an ascii file (see chess.ascii example file in this directory)
The format of the ascii/binary file should be
<cid> <tid> <numitem> <item list>
1 1 4 0 1 4 6
2 2 3 4 7 9
If ascii file, first convert to binary using makebin
makebin chess.ascii
Binary file MUST have .data extension
Get configuration by running getconf (gen automatically generates conf file, so this step can be skipped)
getconf -i chess -o chess -a
Before running the rest you should now have the following files
run: exttpose -i XXX -o XXX -l -s LMINSUP -a 0
example: exttpose -i chess -o chess -l -s 0.2 -a 0 or exttpose -i chess -o chess -l -s 0 -a 0 (this allows any minsup to be used later)
note: this produces the files XXX.tpose, and XXX.idx
The XXX.tpose file is the DB in vertical format, and XXX.idx is an index file specifying where the tid-list for each item begins.
You can specify a value of LMINSUP to be the same as the one you will use to run charm below, in which case you will have to rerun exttpose each time you use a new lower MINSUP. Alternatively, you can use a small value for LMINSUP, and it will continue to work for all values of MINSUP >= LMINSUP when you run elcat.
The time for inverting is stored in summary.out. The format is:
(see note one TOTAL_TIME below)
You should now have the following files:
run charm
charm -i XXX -e 1 -d -l -s <MINSUP> other flags -o output the patterns found output format: itemset - sup (tidset) -d uses diffsets instead of tidsets (from length 3 onwards) -l uses diffsets for pass 2 as well (this should NOT be used for sparse datasets, since tidset size of pass 2 is smaller than diffset size for sparse sets.) -H 1 for exact closed sets (takes longer time) the default is to mine a superset of the closed sets the use of -H 1 eliminates any non-closed sets using a hashing technique
To run charm directly on horizontal DB
charm -i XXX -h -d -l -s <MINSUP>
-h option converts from a horizontal DB to an
in-memory vertical DB. Thus this version should only be
used with small DB that can fit in memory. IF you need to
run large DB then I have other scripts that first create
a disk-based vertical DB and then charm runs on that
DB. I think the current version is sufficient for most
experiments, but if you will do performance tests for
large DB then please ask for the other scripts.
If you use -h option there is no need to run exttpose
MINSUP is in fractions, i.e., specify 0.5 if you want 50% minsup or 0.01 if you want 1% support.
note that the summary of the run is stored in the summary.out file. The format of this file is as follows:
CHARM (other options) DB_FILENAME MINSUP NUMTRANS_IN_DB ACTUAL_SUPPORT [ ITER_i |Ci| |Fi| timeForIter_i avg_tidset/diffset_size ] [TOT total_cands tot_freq tot_elapsed_time] NumberofIntersections XXX XXX XXX XXX tottime maxiters user_time sys_time
Note3: -e 1 option is a flag indicating charm to compute the support of 2-itemsets from scratch. The number 1 says there is only one DB partition that will be inverted entirely in main memory. If the original DB is large then this inversion will obviously take too much time. So in this case I recommend dividing the DB into chunks of size roughly 5MB (assuming there is 32MB available to the process). The exttpose program is equiped to handle this case. If you specify a <-p NUMPART> flag to exttpose it will divide the DB into NUMPART chunks. Now you can run charm with -e NUMPART option. You must do this if the DB is large otherwise the timings for charm will be skewed. Generally, the more the partitions the better the running time for charm. For example:
exttpose -i XXX -o XXX -l -a 0 -s LMINSUP -p 10
charm -i XXX -s MINSUP -e 10
In summary run
charm -i chess -e 1 -s 0.8 -o for the current project.