
Clean code that implements eclat, charm and maximal itemset mining

Primary LanguageC++

#eclat This code integrates eclat, charm and genmax into one. Note, this is just a clean version of the individual programs, and as such not optimal. For instance the original code for Charm and GenMax are faster that this clean version. Also the genmax implementation used here doesn't use all the optimizations described in the paper. Therefore use this code only for application studies. If you want to do performance study to compare the algorithm timings, then please ask for the original code from me.

    eclat -i XXX -a <ALG_TYPE> -d <DIFF_TYPE> -s <MINSUP> -o

    other flags
     -o output the patterns found
            output format: itemset - sup (tidset)

     -b (for binary input file)

     -a 0 eclat (all frequent sets)
           this is the default algorithm
     -a 1 charm (all closed sets)
     -a 2 genmax (all maximal sets)

     -d 0 uses tidsets
     -d 1 uses diffsets instead of tidsets (from length 3 onwards)
          this is the default value
     -d 2 uses diffsets for pass 2 as well
            (this should NOT be used for sparse datasets, since tidset
             size of pass 2 is smaller than diffset size for
             sparse sets.)

     -c 0 do not eliminate non-closed sets (if -a 1 is used)
     -c 1 eliminate non-closed sets (if -a 1 is used)

     -S absolute MINSUP (not as a percentage)
     -x No offset (omit CID TID)

MINSUP is in fractions, i.e., specify 0.5 if you want 50% minsup or 0.01 if you want 1% support. You can also use -S with an absolute minimum support, e.g., -S 2 would mean that the minimum support is 2 (as opposed to a percentage).

The input database is assumed to be ascii (use -b for binary format), with two input formats.

The IBM datagen format is

    1   1   4       0 1 4 6
    2   2   3       4 7 9

items in the list must be sorted in increasing order, one per line (omit the header)

The NO OFFSET format is:

     0 1 4 6
     4 7 9

items in the list must be sorted in increasing order (omit the header). To run a file in the NO Offset format use the -x flag.

Finally the summary of the run is stored in the summary.out file. The format of this file is as follows:

(parameter options) DB_FILENAME MINSUP NUMTRANS_IN_DB ACTUAL_SUPPORT [ ITER_i |Ci| |Fi| |Max| XXX] [TOT total_cands tot_freq total_max xxx] TOT-TIME NUMJOINS

I have provided a utility that converts from the ASCII IBM data format to the binary format. Use it as: makebin XXX.ascii XXX.data

A typical run can be something like: ./eclat -i T10I4D100K.data -S 1000 -a 1 -o > SAVEFILE where the output will be written to SAVEFILE

#sort Once you have saved the output, you can sort the patterns by increasing length. After some meta-info, the sorted output has one pattern per line, along with its frequency, in the format: ITEMSET - SUPPORT

An example run can be: ./sort SAVEFILE > SORTEDFILE