
BP.JS Framework is a lightweight and flexible frontend framework for building dynamic user interfaces.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


BP.JS Framework is a lightweight and flexible frontend framework for building dynamic user interfaces. It features a component-based architecture with support for custom directives, conditional rendering, and looping.


  • Component-based architecture
  • Custom directives
  • Conditional rendering
  • Looping through arrays
  • TypeScript support


To use this framework, you can either install it via npm or include it directly in your project.

Using npm

  1. Install the package:

    npm install bpjs
  2. Import the package:

    import { Component } from 'bpjs';

Direct Include

Download the compiled JavaScript file and include it in your HTML:

<script src="path/to/your/compiled/javascript/index.js"></script>


Creating a Component

Define a component using the Component class. Provide a template, data function, and optional methods and directives.

import { Component } from 'bpjs';

// Define a custom directive
const myDirective = {
  bind(el: HTMLElement, binding: any) {
    el.style.color = binding;

// Create a component
const MyComponent = new Component({
  template: `
      <p v-my-directive="red">This text is red.</p>
      <button @click="changeMessage">Change Message</button>
      <p>{{ message }}</p>
        <li v-for="item in items">{{ item }}</li>
  data: () => ({
    message: 'Hello BP.JS',
    items: ['Item 1', 'Item 2', 'Item 3']
  methods: {
    changeMessage() {
      this.setState({ message: 'Message changed!' });
  directives: {
    'my-directive': myDirective

// Mount the component

HTML Structure

Ensure you have an element with the id app in your HTML:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <div id="app"></div>
  <script src="path/to/your/compiled/javascript/index.js"></script>



The Component class provides methods for managing components.


new Component<S>(options: ComponentOptions<S>)
  • options: Configuration options for the component.


  • mount(selector: string): void

    Mounts the component to the DOM element specified by selector.

  • destroy(): void

    Removes the component from the DOM and performs cleanup.

  • setState(newState: Partial<S>): void

    Updates the component's state and re-renders the DOM.

Custom Directives

Custom directives can be defined and used in your components. A directive is an object with optional bind, update, and unbind methods.

const myDirective = {
  bind(el: HTMLElement, binding: any) {
    // Initialize directive
  update(el: HTMLElement, binding: any) {
    // Update directive
  unbind(el: HTMLElement, binding: any) {
    // Clean up directive


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


Feel free to submit issues, suggestions, or pull requests on GitHub. Contributions are welcome!

Replace "bpjs" with your actual package name and update the paths as necessary. This README provides a comprehensive guide to get started with your framework and includes essential documentation for users.