Bakery Orders!

Epicodus independent project C# week 3:

13 March 2020

By Zakkrey Short


This project allows a user to keep track of vendors and their information for a bakery. The ideal application would be in a POS setting for management usage.


User can use the application to:

  • Create list of vendors
  • Add details to vendor
  • Create an order within a vendor along with its details
  • Be able to navigate through all pages, add, view, home, etc.

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • First, clone this repository to your desktop by navigating to the desktop in the Terminal (entering "cd desktop" in the Terminal) and then entering "git clone" followed by the url to this repository.
  • Once the project directory is cloned to your desktop, navigate to the directory in the terminal by entering "cd" followed by the name of this repository in the Terminal.
  • Confirm that you have navigated to the project directory by entering "pwd" in the Terminal.
  • Once you have navigated to the directory in the terminal, open the contents of the directory in a text editor or IDE of your choice (e.g., to open the contents of the directory in Visual Studio Code, enter the command "code ." in the Terminal).
  • Open the terminal within and run the command "dotnet restore", then "dotnet run" to build the application and then start within the console.
  • Follow commands within the console and enjoy!


No known bugs at this time.

Technologies Used

Git, VSCode, C#/.NET, ASP.NET Core 2.2 MVC


This webpage is licensed under the MIT license.

Copyright (c) 2020 Zakkrey Short