
C# Testting practice for Epicodus, Mar. 2, 2020

By Michelle Morin, Zakkrey Short, Eric Settels


This application translates a user input string into "Leetspeak", by:

  • replacing every "e" with a "3"
  • replacing every "t" with a "7"
  • replacing every "o" with a "0"
  • replacing every "I" (captial instances only) with a "1"
  • replacing every "s" that is not the first character of a word with a "z"


Specification Example Input Example Output
The application replaces every "e" and "E" in a user input with a "3" "hello" "h3llo"
The application replaces every "t" and "T in a user input with a "7" "let go" "l37 go"
The application replaces every "I" in a user input with a "1" "I do" "1 do"
The application replaces every "o" and "O" in a user input with a "0" "Lets go" "L37s g0"
The application replaces every "s" that is not the first character in a word of the user input with a "z" "Lets do it" "L37z d0 i7"

Setup/Installation Requirements

Install .NET Core

on macOS:

  • Click here to download a .NET Core SDK from Microsoft Corp.
  • Open the file (this will launch an installer which will walk you through installation steps. Use the default settings the installer suggests.)

on Windows:

  • Click here to download the 64-bit .NET Core SDK from Microsoft Corp.
  • Open the .exe file and follow the steps provided by the installer for your OS.

Install dotnet script

Enter the command dotnet tool install -g dotnet-script in Terminal (macOS) or PowerShell (Windows).

Clone this repository

Enter the following commands in Terminal (macOS) or PowerShell (Windows):

  • cd desktop
  • git clone followed by the URL to this repository.
  • cd followed by the repository name.

Confirm that you have navigated to the correct directory (e.g., by entering the command pwd in Terminal).

Run this console application by entering the following command in Terminal (macOS) or PowerShell (Windows):

  • dotnet run

To view/edit the source code of this application, open the contents of this directory in a text editor or IDE of your choice (e.g., to open all contents of the directory in Visual Studio Code on macOS, enter the command code . in Terminal).

Technologies Used

  • Git
  • C#
  • .NET Core 2.2
  • dotnet script


This webpage is licensed under the MIT license.

Copyright (c) 2020 Michelle Morin, Zakkrey Short, Eric Settels