Restaurant Town

MySQL & Entity Framework Core Practice for Epicodus, Mar. 18 2020

By Brandan Sayarath, Zakkrey Short, Geoff Goetz


This application will create a website where users can add their favorite restaurants based on the type of cuisine they offer.


Specification Example Input Example Output
Application creates instance of an Animal object Animal newAnimal = new Animal(type, name, breed, gender, date of admittance) new Animal object created
Application saves all new animals in database table named animals new animal object instantiated new animal object saved as row in database table
If user visits '/' root route, applications displays splash page with link to '/animals' user visits '/' route displays homepage
If user visits '/animals' route, applications displays all animals in database, each with a link to view more details about the animal and ordered alphabetically by type user visits '/animals' route displays list of animals
If user clicks "add new animal" button, application redirects to new animal form user clicks "add new animal" button application redirects to new animal form
If user visits '/animals/new', application shows new animal form user visits '/animals/new' application displays form for adding new animal
If user visits submits new animal form, application adds new animal to database and redirects to '/animals' user submits form application adds new animal to database and redirects to page showing all animals in database
If user visits '/animals/{id}', application displays details for that animal user clicks on specific animal in animals list application redirects to display details about that animal

Setup/Installation Requirements

Install .NET Core

on macOS:

  • Click here to download a .NET Core SDK from Microsoft Corp.
  • Open the file (this will launch an installer which will walk you through installation steps. Use the default settings the installer suggests.)

on Windows:

  • Click here to download the 64-bit .NET Core SDK from Microsoft Corp.
  • Open the .exe file and follow the steps provided by the installer for your OS.

Install dotnet script

Enter the command dotnet tool install -g dotnet-script in Terminal (macOS) or PowerShell (Windows).

Clone this repository

Enter the following commands in Terminal (macOS) or PowerShell (Windows):

  • cd desktop
  • git clone followed by the URL to this repository
  • cd RestaurantTown.Solution

Confirm that you have navigated to the ToDoList.Solution directory (e.g., by entering the command pwd in Terminal).

Run this application by entering the following command in Terminal (macOS) or PowerShell (Windows):

  • cd RestaurantTown
  • dotnet restore
  • dotnet build
  • dotnet run or dotnet watch run

To view/edit the source code of this application, open the contents of this directory in a text editor or IDE of your choice (e.g., to open all contents of the directory in Visual Studio Code on macOS, enter the command code . in Terminal).

Technologies Used

  • Git
  • C#
  • ASP.NET Core MVC
  • dotnet script
  • MySQL
  • MySQL Workbench
  • Entity Framework Core


This webpage is licensed under the MIT license.

Copyright (c) 2020 Brandan Sayarath, Zakkrey Short, Geoff Goetz