Bank Account - January 26, 2020

By Zakkrey Short & Patrick Kille


This application creates a user account for a bank and then keeps track of their balance. There is functionality for both deposit and withdrawl.

Setup/Installation Requirements

  1. Open your terminal
  2. Navigate to your desktop
  3. Git command: 'git clone

Following this, you may choose to open/view one or all of the documents within to test my project.

Description Input Output
Enter user input James James
Initial deposit $200 $200
Enter Account Number 1 1
Amount Deposited $50 $50 + Initial
Amount Withdrawl $25 Initial - $25

Support and Contact

For questions, concerns, or collaboration, please contact me directly.

Known Bugs

Work in progress.

Technologies Used

This website was created with:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap CSS
  • Javascript and jQuery
  • Visual Studio Code



Copyright (c) 2020 Zakkrey Short & Patrick Kille