Leap Year Calculator

_A webpage designed to calculate any leap-year in the past, present or future based on user input. _

By Geoff Goetz & Zakk Short 23 January 2020


This project is was built with the purpose of informing the user of what year is or is not a leap year. It takes user inputs(in the form of a number) and calculates whether it is, was or will be a leap year.

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • First, clone this repository to your desktop by navigating to the desktop in the Terminal ("cd desktop") and then entering "git clone" followed by the link to this repository(in the address bar of your web browser).
  • _Once the directory is cloned to your desktop, open the directory in the Terminal ("cd [repository name here]).
  • After that open the directory in Visual Studio Code by entering the command "code ." in the Terminal.
  • Open index.html in a browser of your choice.(Google Chrome is recomended.)

Project Specifications

Behavior Input Output
Takes User Input(as numbers) 1234 N/A
Calculates leap year by dividing by 4 1234 Is not a leap year
Calulate what is NOT a leap year by dividing by 100 1100 Is not a leap year
Calcualte leap year by dividing by 400 1200 Is a leap year
Based on user input displays yes/no statement about leap year 2020 Is a leap year

Technologies Used

  • HTML

  • Bootstrap

  • CSS

  • Git

  • JavaScript

  • jQuery


This software is licensed under the MIT license

Copyright (c) 2020 Geoff Goetz & Zakk Short