
Reactive PostgreSQL interface for Meteor

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript


A work in progress, but already useful if you keep writes to the database on the server-side.

At present, I'm fairly new to Meteor (especially its internals) so I'd be happy to consider your suggestions and/or pull requests.


Import notify.sql and ensure changes to your table will trigger notifications (the second paramter of notify_table is the channel name, but it must be the same as the table name for now).

db=# \i notify.sql
db=# CREATE TABLE posts (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, title TEXT, author TEXT, ...);
db=# SELECT notify.notify_table('posts','posts');

On the server, set up the default connection and create a new PgCollection (which is loosely an interface to a single pg table)

if (Meteor.isServer) {
        connection: "postgres://user:pass@localhost/database"

    Posts = new PgCollection("posts");

    Meteor.publish("posts", function() {
        return Posts.find();

On the client, you can use regular old minimongo collections.

if (Meteor.isClient) {
    Posts = new Meteor.Collection("posts");

    Template.page.posts = function() {
        return Posts.find();

Reactive templates don't look any different.

<template name="page">
        {{#each posts}}


  • Client-side inserts work, but updates are broken, removes haven't been tested anywhere
  • Update the tests to cover recent changes
  • Handle tables with multiple primary keys
  • Reconcile Meteor/Mongo's _ids with Postgres' primary keys
  • Have a better way to describe relations between table that make up a "document", maybe using (simple schema)[https://github.com/aldeed/meteor-simple-schema]?