
System of linear equations - task for kottans.org enrolment

Primary LanguageJavaScript


System of linear equations

Technical task

Solve the system of linear equations using Gaussian elimination (also known as row reduction) with the general element. Calculate the X vector and vector of errors (E = B-A*X):

1x2 + 3x3 + 2*x4 = -1;

1000x1 + 3x2 + x3 - 5*x4 = -2;

-3x1 + 4x2 + x3 + 4*x4 = -1;

4x1 - 2x3 - 3*x4 = 4.

The program should contain:

  1. Displaying the input data (via tables that user allows to modify);
  2. Displaying the intermediate solutions;
  3. Displaying the X and E vectors;
  4. Unit tests for happy and unhappy paths.


  • Result should be reachable via URL (hosted on GitHub pages, deployed to Heroku/Nodejitsu/DigitalOcean, your own private server etc.;
  • Source code should be published on your GitHub account and link should be provided to us via e-mail.