A command line app to help you quickly creating git branch without hassle steps.
$ GoBranch
- You don't need to type a valid branch name
- You don't need to checkout to the base branch
- You don't need to git pull the base branch
- Automatic prefixes such as feature, enhance, bugfix, hotfix
- Prevent the selected base branch from being wrong
- Custom base branch
- Custom naming conventions
- Git
$ go get github.com/ipanardian/GoBranch
- Open the release section
- Download binary files that match with your operating system (OS)
- Change the name to "GoBranch" or "GoBranch.exe" for windows
- add it to your $PATH environment variable, so you can run it from any location on the command line
- On mac copy to /usr/local/bin
- Then sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/GoBranch
$ GoBranch --tc "/" --nc "snake"
//output: feature/abcd_efgh
$ GoBranch --tc "-" --nc "kebab"
//output: feature-abcd-efgh
The following is a branch of the gobranch structure, you must have a branch development and hotfix, unless you choose custom then there is no need to follow this diagram.
-- master
|-- development
| |-- feature_{name}
| |-- enhance_{name}
| |-- bugfix_{name}
| `-- test_{name}
`-- hotfix
|-- hotfix_{name}
`-- hotfeature_{name}
-- release
//show help
$ GoBranch --help or -h
//show version
$ GoBranch --version or -v
//Set type convention
$ GoBranch --tc /
//output: feature/{branch}
//Set naming convention
$ GoBranch --nc kebab
//output: branch-name
The MIT License (MIT)