
Implemented a DApp to create a marketplace on Ethereum Framework.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Marketplace on a Ethereum Platform

  • Implemented a DApp to create a marketplace on Ethereum Framework.

GitHub Page

Local instance of Market Place


  • CraigList.
  • The Distibuted Ledger Technology to have single Ledger distributed over the various nodes.This single ledger helps in deriving the history of the commodity and its flow between the different ownerships.

What it does:

  • The purpose of the DApp is to buy and sell commodities between the different accounts.
  • Different Account holders can be created using the Metamask interface.
  • Also the event monitoring process in order to maintain the single ledger for transactions.


  • Faced issues using Metamask
  • Error handling
  • Test case debugging


  • Developed using Solidity and web3.js
    • used node.js, web3 and solc compiler
    • Used truffle framework in order to the ease tdevelopement process
  • Testing of smart contracts was done on
    • testrpc
    • geth (private blockchain)
  • Testing was done using javascript instead of a solidity contract creation way.
  • Java script testing method used the Mocha framework

Build With:

  • Solidity, MetaMask, Web3js, Geth, Testrpc, Truffle, Shell script, EVM Framework.