
DEPRECATED: Ubuntu base image including Zalando CA

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Ubuntu Base Image

This Docker base image contains Ubuntu 18.04 and the Zalando CA certificate. Versions of this image will be immutable, i.e. there is no "latest" tag, but instead version numbers are incremented like:

<UBUNTU_VERSION>-<COUNTER> (example: "18.04-1")

Build and test the image like that:

$ docker build -t ubuntu:18.04-local .
$ sed 's/UNTESTED/ubuntu:18.04-local/g' Dockerfile.test > Dockerfile.test-gen
$ docker build -t ubuntu-test:18.04-local -f Dockerfile.test-gen .
$ docker run ubuntu-test:18.04-local

You can find the latest Ubuntu Docker image in our open source registry.