
Github Enterprise backup at ZalandoTech (Kubernetes, AWS, Docker)

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Github Enterprise Backup

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Zalando Tech's Github Enterprise backup approach.


Github Enterprise at Zalando Tech is a high availability setup running master and replica instances on AWS. The AWS account that runs the high availability setup also runs one backup host. Zalando Tech's Github Enterprise backup can also run as a POD inside a Kubernetes cluster.

We believe this backup approach provides reliable backup data even in case one AWS account or Kubernetes cluster is compromised.


Basically Zalando Tech's Github Enterprise backup wraps github's backup-utils in a Docker container.

If running on Kubernetes, a stateful set including volumes and volume claims stores the actual backup data. See a sample statefulset belowhttps://github.com/zalando/ghe-backup/blob/master/README.md#kubernetes-stateful-set,-volume,-volume-claim) Zalando Kubernetes is based on AWS, so volume claims are based on EBS.

If running on AWS, an EBS volume stores the actual backup data. This way one can access the data even if the regarding backup host is down.

Local docker development

create a ghe-backup docker image

docker build --rm -t [repo name]:[tag] .
docker build --rm -t pierone.stups.zalan.do/machinery/ghe-backup:0.0.7 .

run the image

docker run -d --name [repo name]:[tag]
docker run -d --name ghe-backup pierone.stups.zalan.do/machinery/ghe-backup:0.0.7

or with connected bash:
docker run -it --entrypoint /bin/bash --name [repo name]:[tag]
docker run -it --entrypoint /bin/bash --name ghe-backup pierone.stups.zalan.do/machinery/ghe-backup:0.0.7

attach to the running local container

docker attach --sig-proxy=false [repo name]

detach from the running local container (does not stop the container)


run bash in running docker container

sudo docker exec -i -t [ContainerID] bash

exit bash


IAM policy settings

Zalando Tech's Github Enterprise backup hosts contain private ssh keys that have to match with public ssh keys registered on the Github Enterprise main instance. Private ssh keys should not be propagated unencrypted with deployments. AWS KMS allows to encrypt any kind of data, so this service is used to encrypt the private ssh key for both, Zalando Tech's Github Enterprise backup running on AWS and Kubernetes. KMS actions are managed by policies to make sure only configured tasks can be performed.

A kms policy similar to the one shown below is needed to:

  • allow kms decryption of the encrypted ssh key
  • access s3 bucket
  • use EBS volume
            "Resource": [  
                "arn:aws:s3:::[yourMintBucket]/[repo name]/*"  
            "Effect": "Allow",  
            "Action": [  
            "Resource": "*"  

You can find a full policy sample here in the gist "ghe-backup-kms-policy-sample"

Make sure you have an according role that allows managing your policy.

Configure an EBS volume for backup data

Backup data shall be saved on an EBS volume to persist backups even if the backup instance goes down. The creation of such an ebs volume is described in creating-ebs-volume guide.
After creating an EBS volume, you have to make sure you can use it as described in ebs-using-volumes.

Pls note: You need to format the EBS volume before you use it, otherwise you may experience issues like:
You must specify the file type.


There are two kinds of tests available:

  • python nose tests
  • bash tests

Both can be run with ./run-tests.sh.
Pls note:

  • tests leveraging kms require aws logins e.g. via aws cli. Thats why those don not run on ci environments out of the box. The run-tests.sh script uses zaws (a zalando internal tool that is the successor of the former open source tool mai)
  • make sure you run bashtest/cleanup-tests.sh in order to clean up afterwards.


decrypt test

  • precondition: you are logged in with AWS e.g. using mai
    mai login [awsaccount-role]
  • test run:
    nosetests -w python -v --nocapture test_extract_decrypt_kms.py

delete in stuck in progress files

nosetests -w python -v --nocapture test_delete_instuck_progress.py

run all test minimum output

nosetests -w python

Bash tests

Pls go to bashtest directory: cd bashtest and run the tests:

Running in an additional AWS account

Please adapt the cron tab definitions when running in another AWS account e.g. to the values in cron-ghe-backup-alternative. This lowers the load on the Github Enterprise master with respect to backup attempts.


Restoring backups is based on github's (using the backup and restore commands)[https://github.com/github/backup-utils#using-the-backup-and-restore-commands]. The actual ghe-restore command gets issued from the backup host. Please note: the backup restore can run for several hours. (Nohup)[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nohup] is recommended to keep the restore process running even if the shell connection is lost.

sample steps include:

put ghe instance to restor to into maintenance mode
# ssh into your ec2 instance and exec into your container
# docker exec -it [container label or ID] bash/sh
# or
# exec into your pod
# kubectl exec -it [your pod e.g. statefulset-ghe-backup-0] bash/sh
nohup /backup/backup-utils/bin/ghe-restore -f [IP address of the ghe master to restore] &
# monitor the backup progress
tail -f nohup.out


pls refer to CONTRIBUTING.md

Zalando specifics

The Taupage AMI is mandatory for backup hosts of Zalando Tech's Github Enterprise for compliance reasons. As Taupage AMI is part of Stups, other Stups technologies like Senza are also used for local development.

Upload Docker images to pierone (a Zalando docker registry) would be:

docker push [repo name]:[tag]
docker push pierone.stups.zalan.do/machinery/ghe-backup:cdp-master-38

Senza yaml file

Stups requires a senza yaml file to deploy an artefact to AWS. Such a yaml file gets basically translated to AWS CloudFormation templates that causes a stack being deployed.

A sample senza yaml file would be:

# basic information for generating and executing this definition   
  StackName: hello-world  
    - ImageVersion:
        Description: "Docker image version of hello-world."
# a list of senza components to apply to the definition
  # this basic configuration is required for the other components
  - Configuration:
      Type: Senza::StupsAutoConfiguration # auto-detect network setup
      AvailabilityZones: [myAZ] # use EBS volume's AZ
  # will create a launch configuration and auto scaling group with scaling triggers
  - AppServer:
      Type: Senza::TaupageAutoScalingGroup
      InstanceType: t2.micro
        - app-{{Arguments.ApplicationId}}
        - app-{{Arguments.ApplicationId}}
      AssociatePublicIpAddress: false # change for standalone deployment in default VPC
        application_version: "{{Arguments.ImageVersion}}"
        runtime: Docker
        source: "stups/hello-world:{{Arguments.ImageVersion}}"
        mint_bucket: "{{Arguments.MintBucket}}"
        kms_private_ssh_key: "aws:kms:myAWSregion:123456789:key/myrandomstringwithnumbers123456567890"
            /dev/sdf: my-volume
            partition: /dev/xvdf  

If you copy/paste the template above, make sure your details replace the dummy values

EBS volumes with Senza

Please follow these instructions: senza's storage guild to create a EBS volume the stups way.

Kubernetes stateful set, volume, volume claim

The statefulset resource definition is the main kubernetes configuration file:

apiVersion: apps/v1beta1
kind: StatefulSet
      name: statefulset-ghe-backup
  serviceName: deploy-ghe-backup
  replicas: 1
        app: ghe-backup
        pod.alpha.kubernetes.io/initialized: "true"
      - name: container-{ghe-backup}
        image: pierone.stups.zalan.do/machinery/ghe-backup:cdp-master-38
            cpu: 100m
            memory: 1Gi
            cpu: 400m
            memory: 4Gi
        - name: data-{ghe-backup}
          mountPath: /data
        - name: {ghe-backup}-secret
          mountPath: /meta/ghe-backup-secret
          readOnly: true
        - name: podinfo
          mountPath: /details
          readOnly: false
      - name: {ghe-backup}-secret
          secretName: {ghe-backup}-secret
      - name: podinfo
            - path: "labels"
                fieldPath: metadata.labels
  - metadata:
      name: data-ghe-backup
        volume.beta.kubernetes.io/storage-class: standard
      - ReadWriteOnce
          storage: 1000Gi



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Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.