- 0
- 3
mark/reset not supported after adding LogbookClientHttpRequestInterceptor with TRACE logging level
#1738 opened by HaniBikdeli - 8
spanId value in traceparent HTTP header not the same between outgoing/incoming requests
#1825 opened by albireo77 - 3
- 0
No suitable driver found for 08001/0
#1965 opened by KiselevAlecksey - 0
NullPointerException when trying to use webClient with wildfly in a gateway service
#1963 opened by magyari44 - 0
Apache Camel support
#1962 opened by realtica - 1
Unable to use multiple custom attribute extractors defined through configuration
#1950 opened by SiliconMind - 8
- 1
- 0
Support Server-sent events for WebFluxFilter
#1942 opened by AlexMoiseev69 - 2
- 0
- 0
- 0
Logbook not working with Spring Boot 3.3.x + Webflux
#1926 opened by karolhor - 2
Unable to read request body from ServletRequest twice because InputStream is getting exhausted after first use
#1865 opened by mutyasaisrikar - 2
- 0
Support for JSON body pretty-printing
#1924 opened by hurr1canexd - 2
SpringBoot automatic configuration is invalid
#1898 opened by 129duckflew - 0
- 1
Question: Only log on Error/Exception
#1911 opened by OllisGit - 1
UnsupportedOperationException in LogbookHttpRequestInterceptor with Spring Boot 3.2.2 and Apache Http Client 5 (how to fix test?)
#1884 opened by MrMasterZ - 0
Logbook logging Request info but not response
#1897 opened by deejonz - 1
ktor-client: response replaces request body
#1868 opened by noffke - 7
Possible OOM with large servlet response
#1754 opened by wintermute0 - 1
Disable the creation of bean jsonBodyFieldsFilter from LogbookAutoConfiguration
#1882 opened by aldex32 - 8
Spring Boot 3 + Micrometer Tracing: Context empty in Server request/response logs
#1710 opened by grassehh - 0
Running in Open Liberty drops the Logbook logging
#1880 opened by berndgoetz - 1
Missing Logging for Sent Requests During ReadTimeoutException in WebClient
#1876 opened by NavruzshoevDaniel - 3
- 1
When the request method is x-www-form-urlencoded, Spring Boot cannot receive parameters using entity classes
#1874 opened by bytefox1024 - 4
RESTEASY003765: Response is closed
#1771 opened by niallrox - 0
Logbook with SpringBoot + Spring security 2.7.x fails to log unauthorized or forbidden responses
#1864 opened by gilles-gardet - 0
Invalid `Content-Length` of incoming request causes to java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Idle timeout expired
#1862 opened by maistrovyi - 0
- 2
- 1
Wrong DateTime or I'm missing something config
#1848 opened by 2k16daniel - 2
- 2
- 2
[logbook-ktor-server] Content-Type header not parsed correctly from the request
#1823 opened by grassehh - 3
Make Logbook interceptors fault tolerant
#1702 opened by marcindabrowski - 1
- 1
Eliminate superfluous filter execution
#1713 opened by ishulz - 1
- 1
- 3
- 5
Logbook 3.7.1 pulls in a whole bunch of test dependencies to the production classpath
#1711 opened by bwaldvogel - 9
Logbook 3.7.0 pulls in Lombok as transitive dependency
#1705 opened by bwaldvogel - 4
- 6
UnsupportedOperationException in LogbookHttpRequestInterceptor with Spring Boot 3.2.0 and Apache Http Client 5
#1693 opened by marcindabrowski