light temperature
support wavelength and dispersion
support multiple lights
support different light types: Point, Laser, Directional, Spot?
support different shapes: Rectangle, Spherical Lens
support rotation transform
support multiple materials for each shape
add transform manipulators for all.
implement shape manipulators
randomize diffuse bounce
select shapes with mouse click
Inspector for selected object's transform, shape and material components
select lights
light inspector
manip for directional light width
add reinhardt tonemapping and exposure (handle linear RGB to sRGB covnersion here)
progressive rendering
implement raytracing on the CPU for svg viewport
physically accurate BSDFs. eg dielectric relfection.
add linesegment shape
add prism shape
refactor svg viewport. Use child elements, to map entities to their own elements.
- align ui group attributes to each group.
- mousetools to create and delete objects
- show when lights are selected. selection shape is too small? hard to select
- persistent scene
- persistent settings
- implement settings
- fix ugly sidebars
- fix ugly manipulators
- remove coreui
persistent viewbox
stop gl rendering when hidden
circle size handler is usable even when not selected...
[/] handle errors in components. eg.: raytracing errors in SVGRaytracer component
distrubute lightSamples among all lights (based on intensity)
rasterize bias: fix ray energy uniform in all direction
fix convex lens rayrtacing in webgl raytracer
lens intersect outside of diemeter, when edge thickness is greater then zero
physically accurate wavelength to color wavelength->XYZ->linearRGB->sRGB
review data texture types. eg.: dont use alpha for light color. some texture a
review tonemapping. support multiple colorspaces
refactor glviewport to map entities to its internal data (eg initialrays array, transformArray, shapes Array materialsArray...)
fix svg raytracer.
fix SVGRaytracer interacting with a rectangle.
support dispersion in svg-raytracer?
direction light width manip is a bit strange. should act on the axis only not by distance
refactor mousetools (eg. react component)
check if GLRaytracer leaks memory?
mobile support