
This library allows you to launch different REST, GraphQL and GraphQL subgraphs to help test your APIs.

The available services are:

  • rest
  • users-rest
  • posts-rest
  • comments-rest
  • users-graph
  • posts-graph
  • comments-graph
  • notifications-graph
  • users-subgraph
  • posts-subgraph
  • comments-subgraph
  • notifications-subgraph (federated subscription)

The same docker file will allow you to run the different services. You can launch the service you want by setting the entrypoint to the docker container to be entrypoint: ./$SERVICE_NAME/server.


The data used in the users, posts, and comments is static data from the jsonplaceholder library.

The notification data is generated using the loremipsum library.

How to use

You can use the docker-compose.yml to stand up and test these services.

Run docker-compose up from the root of the repo. You should be able to access the services on the following ports:

  • rest: 3100
  • users-rest: 3101
  • posts-rest: 3102
  • comments-rest: 3103
  • users-graph: 4101
  • posts-graph: 4102
  • comments-graph: 4103
  • notifications-graph: 4104
  • users-subgraph: 4201
  • posts-subgraph: 4202
  • comments-subgraph: 4203
  • notifications-subgraph: 4204


Containers are available on DockerHub under zalbiraw/go-api-test-service.