
Gopack is a software dependency management tool for Golang

Primary LanguageGo


Gopack is a software dependency management tool for Go.

Gopack keeps package's dependency information to build the GOPATH variable. It also keeps remote locations where to publish and get packages.

It can then deliver:

  • Building commands
    • compile. Single platform or cross compile
    • test. Run them on the go or cross compile them for later tests.
  • Managing commands
    • list all dependencies (recursively)
    • find and list missing imports, and fix them
    • search for packages by name ( find the right version)
  • Sharing commands
    • download packages from remote locations
    • publish packages and binaries to remote locations
    • search packages or imports in remote locations


Read the Wiki

Getting Started

Under construction

This section is still under development, it is kind of sparse (sorry)

installing it

Very soon, gopack will be available for direct download in every supported platform. Meanwhile, you still need to build it.


git clone https://github.com/gopack/gpk.git
cd gpk/
GOPATH=`pwd` go install ./src/...
sudo cp ./bin/gpk /usr/bin/gpk

Now you should get something like

$>gpk help
       gpk - Gopack is a software dependency management tool for Golang.
             It help Managing, Building, and Sharing libraries in Go.

       gpk [general options]  [options]  

       option   default              usage
       -local   .gpkrepository       path to the local repository to be used by default.
       -v       false                Print the version number.


       h        help                 Display help information about commands

       !        init                 Initialize or Edit the current project
       ?        status               Print status

       c        compile              Compile project
       t        test                 Run go test

       d+       dadd                 Add dependency
       d-       dremove              Remove dependency
       ld       list-dependencies    List declared Dependencies.
       lm       list-missing         Analyse the current directory and report or fix missing dependencies
       lp       list-package         List all packages dependencies (recursive)

       lr       list-remotes         List Remotes.
       r+       radd                 Add a remote server.
       r-       rremove              Remove a Remote

       i        install              Install into the local repository
       push     push                 Push a project in a remote repository
       s        search               Search Packages .
       serve    serve                Serve local repository as an http server

       Type 'gpk help [COMMAND]' for more details about a command.

but prettier if you are using a vterm console

Hello World

The purpose is to show the smallest possible Helloworld project. Create the Workspace layout.

$> mkdir test
$> cd test
$> gpk init -c -n mypath/test -l ASF
    new name:mypath/test
    new license:"Apache License 2.0"

Creates the workspace, and the directory layout. Its time to populate it with the helloworld.go file

$> vi src/mypath/test/helloworld.go

Edit the helloworld.go file and make it:

package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
    fmt.Println("Hello, World")

Then Compile, and run

$> gpk compile
$> ./bin/test



1.0.0-beta.5 Add support for cross platform binaries, and test binaries compilation too Add support for binaries upload/download from gopack servers.

2012-12: Project inception