
golab: go local application builder - a web-based golang ide

Primary LanguageGoBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


golab is a Go IDE for Linux.

golab screenshot


Requires Linux and Go 1.1.

go get github.com/mb0/lab/golab
echo 'yay! magic!'

Basic Usage

golab watches all files under your goroot and gopath (go help gopath). It automatically installs and tests a list of packages specified by the -work flag and prints colored reports to stdout.

Flag -work specifies a path list to the packages you are working on. Multiple paths can be seperated by a colon :. The default ./... uses the current directory and all it child packages.


cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/mb0
golab -work=../garyburd/go-websocket/websocket:./lab/...

Html5 UI

golab -http starts a web interface for reports and collaborative editing of text files.

Flag -addr=localhost:8910 specifies the http address.


cd $GOPATH/src
golab -http -addr=:80 -work=github.com/mb0/lab/...


  • Report view for go errors and test failures with links to sources.
  • Ace editor with gentle highlights and error markers for go, js and css.
  • Document collaboration with operational transformation.
  • External filesystem changes to open documents are merged.
  • godoc Ctrl+Alt+Click on imports in go source files opens the doc view.
  • gofmt Ctrl+Shift+F changes the document (does not save to disk)
  • gocode Ctrl+Space shows gocode completion proposals if installed.

I recommend using the Chrome browser, because the visual feedback seems faster than other browsers.


Yes please!


golab is BSD licensed, Copyright (c) 2013 Martin Schnabel

Server code attributions

  • Go (c) The Go Authors (BSD License)
  • go-websocket (c) Gary Burd (Apache License 2.0)

Client code and asset attributions

  • require.js (c) The Dojo Foundation (BSD/MIT License)
  • json2.js by Douglas Crockford (public domain)
  • Underscore (c) Jeremy Ashkenas (MIT License)
  • Zepto (c) Thomas Fuchs (MIT License)
  • Backbone (c) Jeremy Ashkenas (MIT License)
  • Ace (c) Ajax.org B.V. (BSD License)
  • Font Awesome by Dave Gandy (SIL, MIT and CC BY 3.0 License)
  • Qunit (c) jQuery Foundation and others (MIT License)

Recycled code attribution // was easier than adapting to golab

  • ot.js (c) Tim Baumann (MIT License)