
App written for my wife. It changes luxafor flag color depending on apps what currently ran on Windows machine.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


App written for my wife. It changes luxafor flag, orb or button color depending on apps what currently ran on Windows machine.

How to use:

This app works on Windows OS only.

install dependencies:

run npm install

Check your currently running processes

run npm test You should see all currently running processes. choose processName what you are interested in and put in to config.json

config.json structure

  "defaultColor":"#228C22", - flag color when there is no processes running
  "brightness": "0.5", - flag brightness
  "animationTime": "10", - chaning color animation time
  "checkInterval": "5", - time between check Process running in seconds
  "rules": [ - rulles first match always wins.
      "processName": "chrome.exe", - process name 
      "color": "#4adede" - color in hex
      "processName": "Gw2-64.exe",
      "color": "#ff0000"

how to run

run npm start

how to install as Windows service:

run npm run installService

how to uninstall Windows service:

run npm run uninstallService


  1. Add support for multiple luxafor devices connected to the same computer.
  2. Add support for macOS.
  3. Add more triggers.


This project is libre, and licenced under the terms of the DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENCE, version 3.1, as published by dtf on July 2019. See the COPYING file or https://ph.dtf.wtf/w/wtfpl/#version-3-1 for more details.