
A java GUI that allows you to track your investments

Primary LanguageJava

User Guide

  1. File location

    • The main is located in the src folder named Portfolio
  2. Building/Running program

    • run with run button on InteliJ
    • compile using terminal using java (.java files), then using javac Portfolio to run my main
  3. Testing program

    • Go to Test plan

Program description

The program presents a user with fully fledged gui interface that allows the user to choose from 5 commands, Buying an investment, Selling an investment, Updating price of each investment, calculating the overall investment price and searching for investments.

Test Plan

  • Test 1(Buy Gui Interface)

    • The User will be presented with 5 options for buying/adding a new investment to his portfolio(type, symbol, name, quantity, price). In one example, the user can choose a type of stock, a symbol of "AAPL", a name of apple, a quantity of 100 and a price of 100 and then click the buy button, In this situation, all the parameters are correct and the user will see the newly bought stock in the message box. In an instance where the user inputs a null string for either name or symbol or inputs negative numbers for price and quantity, then an exceptions will be thrown for each incorrect parameter and will be shown in the message box. The user will also be shown a button that resets all the text fields.
  • Test 2(Sell Gui Interface)

    • The User will be presented with 3 options, symbol, quantity and price. In one example the user will enter an already existing stock such as "AAPL", input a quantity of say 50 and a price of 150 and then click the sell button. The program will sell the amount the user specified and show which stock you have sold in the message box. In any instance where those 3 parameters have given wrong values such as entering as invalid symbol, non-existing investment, invalid price or invalid quantity. The program will throw a new exception in the message box to display the error to the user.The user will also be shown a button that resets all the text fields.
  • Test 3(Update Gui Interface)

    • The User will be presented with 1 option, the price, In one example, the user will click next button, it will then show the user in the symbol and name text fields which investment he is on, the user will then for example input a new price of 120, the user then should click the save button to save that price to that investment. If the user wish's to update more investments, he should navigate them using the next and prev buttons, if the user inputs an invalid price, an exception will be thrown to the message box indicating the error.
  • Test 4(Gain Gui Interface)

    • The User will be presented with no options, the interface will just calculate the total gains from all investments and will show it in the gain text field, and each individual gain for each investment will be shown in the message box.
  • Test 5(Search Gui Interface)

    • The User will be presented with 4 options, symbol, name keywords, low price, high price. The user can search using any field meaning he could use all fields for a specific search to find one or two investments or no fields to output all investments located in his portfolio. To search, user much click the search button and if user wants to reset the all text fields, user should click the reset button.


  • can't search by any other field
  • it doesn't store any information other than what we stated
  • it can't load from multiple files at a single time
  • limitations to the interface
  • limited to only 5 options that can be done with users portfolio


  • better interface organizations
  • add more functionality such as sorting your portfolio in different ways such as by alphabetic order or by time, etc..
  • better java class organizations