
Yojimbo - Your-Os-Just-Interprets micro Bash Obfuscator

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Your-OS-Just-Interprets micro Bash Obfuscator

Version 1.2 ~ Zalgo Noise ~ Nothing Works 2019



1. Introduction

2. Platforms & Dependencies

3. Features and ...features

4. Known issues

5. Thank you


1. Introduction


The Yojimbo script idea began with a 30 minute YouTube video from the maker of the Bashfuscator, Andrew LeFevre. Link below. I was looking for means to provide some obfuscation to specific lines of code, when working with completely open source systems (where you can open a text editor and see how the script is written). This is a script written in the perspective of someone who has watched his lecture but never seen the original source code to base myself on.

This is also a technique used to exploit service and application calls when providing malcious payloads.

When written in a script, if you run with debug mode, you will be able to see the command (or the string of the command) in its entirety, so be aware this isn't 100% bulletproof on its own, as even on its raw form it is easily translatable with some time to spare.

When used in conjunction with other methods, though, it can be a very powerful technique. Bash will always read this input as if it wasn't "masked" - the machine interprets, though, the human won't (easily).

The Bashfuscator script is much more complex and dynamic, it is written in Python. This is a micro version to provide you Byte, Hex, or Dual-Hex strings for you to play with. It is entirely written in Bash.

I hope you enjoy this tool, any additions you'd like to see, feel free to submit (as well as corrections to my syntax - I know it's not the best however it works)

YouTube Link to Bash Obfuscation by Andrew LeFevre: https://youtu.be/zef422NDmpo


2. Platforms & Dependencies


Yojimbo can be run on any Linux system with Bash installed and on Termux (which is an excellent proot system for Android users to enjoy Linux when a computer is not around). Fun fact, this script was written in a couple of hours on my phone.

I am using mostly Bash built-ins, with the exception of "sed" and "hexdump".


3. Features and ...features


You can currently transform your strings to either Byte, Hex, or Dual-Hex. This is available to you through the arguments you provide before your string.

The syntax is as follows:

$ yojimbo -[par] <your unquoted string>

Where your available parameters are the following:

[-B] ~> Byte
        This is the concatenation of the values from "hexdump -b" with the following format: $'\nnn\nnn\nnn'

[-H] ~> Hex
        This is the concatenation of the values from "hexdump -C" with the following format: $'\xHH\xHH\xHH'

[-D] ~> Dual-Hex
        This is the concatenation of the values from "hexdump -C" with the following format: $'\uHHHH\uHHHH\uHHHH'

[-h] ~> Usage / Help
        This prints the usage or help screen. Any invalid option should print this screen as well.


4. Known issues and workarounds


I have noticed that on a set of instances, when running simple commands with this Unicode format, my terminal instance stops behaving correctly. I noted this on Termux in my phone, where it started taking in all input as Ctrl+key.

I've noticed as well that some special characters should be escaped as your string is echoed into an array. This involves escaping pipes.


5. Thank you


Thank you to Andrew LeFevre and the Bashfuscator development team, for showing me how to properly generate inconspicuous code and payloads in a way I've never imagined possible. I was thinking about sourcing some sketchy hardcoded variables and functions on a separate file but this method is far superior. Please take the time to check him out and the Bashfuscator GitHub repository at:

Bashfuscator GitHub: https://github.com/Bashfuscator/Bashfuscator
Andrew LeFevre's Bash Obfuscation lecture: https://youtu.be/zef422NDmpo

~ Zalgo