
This code show the SVAR results from the paper: "Lutz Kilian, 2009. "Not All Oil Price Shocks Are Alike: Disentangling Demand and Supply Shocks in the Crude Oil Market," American Economic Review, vol. 99(3), pages 1053-1069, June. Specifically: Cholesky Decomposition, Structural Impulse Response, Historical Evolution of the Structural Shock, Historical Decompositio of the Structural Shocks and the Forecast Error Variance Decomposition

Primary LanguageMATLAB


This code emulates the SVAR results from the paper: "Lutz Kilian, 2009. "Not All Oil Price Shocks Are Alike: Disentangling Demand and Supply Shocks in the Crude Oil Market," American Economic Review, vol. 99(3), pages 1053-1069, June. Specifically: Cholesky Decomposition, Structural Impulse Response, Historical Evolution of the Structural Shock, Historical Decompositio of the Structural Shocks and the Forecast Error Variance Decomposition.

The sheet "Data_oil_1" contains monthly data for the period 1973:M1 to 2019:M6:

RAC: US Refiner Acquisition Cost of Crude Oil (divided by US CPI) [in log]

WTI: West Texas Intermediate Oil Price (divided by US CPI) [in log]

Oil_Prod: Global Oil Production [in log]

Oil_Inv: OECD Oil Inventories [in log]

Kilian_Index: A proxy of global economic activity constructed from the freight rates by Lutz Kilian. [index]

Hamilton_Index: 2 years growth in global industrial production [in %]