
An Emacs interface to OpenAI's language model API.

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp


A WIP Emacs interface to OpenAI’s language model REST API.

This is intended to be used as a library for building interfaces to the language models.

NOTE: Usage requires an OpenAI API Key. Codex models (for generating code) currently require private beta access.


use-package example:

(use-package openai-api
  :straight (openai-api :type git :host github :repo "dangirsh/openai-api.el")
  ;; required
  (setq openai-api-secret-key <token>) ; https://beta.openai.com/account/api-keys
  ;; optional
  (setq openai-api-engine "davinci-codex") ; *-codex models require private beta access
  (setq openai-api-completion-params '((max_tokens . 100)
                                       (temperature . 0.0)
                                       (frequency_penalty . 0)
                                       (presence_penalty . 0)
                                       (n . 1))))


Example Usages


Complete the Region: openai-api-complete-region

Currently, there’s only a basic interface that uses the active region as the prompt. Use like this:

  1. Set openai-api-completion-params as necessary
  2. In any buffer, select the text you’d like to send as a prompt.
  3. Run openai-api-complete-region (bind to a key for convenience).

If only one completion is returned (n = 1), it is inserted below the region.

If there are multiple completions returned (n > 1), the built-in completing-read mechanism is used. I recommend trying consult for an improved completing-read interface, which includes live previews.


List all available engines: openai-api-get-engines

("ada" "babbage" "content-filter-alpha" "curie" "curie-instruct-beta" "cushman-codex" "davinci" "davinci-codex" "davinci-instruct-beta")

Request completions for prompt: openai-api-get-completions

(let ((openai-api-completion-params '((max_tokens . 2)
                                       (temperature . 0.0)
                                       (frequency_penalty . 0)
                                       (presence_penalty . 0)
                                       (n . 1))))
  (car (openai-api-get-completions "2 + 2 =")))


  • I’ve only tested this on GNU Emacs 28.0.50.
  • This API tries to prevent unnecessarily wasteful requests. Right now, that means preventing requests that have n>1 and temperature=0.0 (multiple identical results).

Related packages

Ideas / Future Work

(some of these should go in separate libraries)

  • Generate prompt headers. E.g. Inject a comment with mode-name to indicate the language.
  • Better ways to tweak model parameters.
    • e.g. add a prefix arg to openai-api-complete-region to specify number of completion results n.
      • C-u <n> openai-api-complete-region
    • e.g. re-run previous request, but with larger max-token parameter


  • Add async / streaming interface
  • Integrate with jrosdahl/fancy-dabbrev for greyed-out inline completions (similar to Copilot interface)
  • Allow specification of unit tests for generated function
    • filter results based on test results