
The simplest Go project to start coding with echo framework and connect to databases and messaging systems

Primary LanguageGo


The simplest Go project to start coding with echo framework and connect to databases and messaging systems


#make all [OUTPUT=folder_name]

will compile to default build folder


#./build/server [--port=9011]

Then your server will be visible on http://localhost:9011

Try it:

#curl http://localhost:9011/status



Simple Create / Read operation

To be able to persist information you need to set up database configuration:

#./build/server --port=9011 \
--db_host=localhost \
--db_port=5431 \
--db_user=mydbuser \
--db_pass=mydbpass \

Then you can create:

#curl localhost:9011/users -H'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d'{"name":"Name Surname","email":"my@email.com"}'

And read:

#curl localhost:9011/users/Name%20Surname


For the sake of simplicity I've organized all classes inside one package (internal), but this isn't a good practice. Also, I haven't included some common features as database migration, package structure, clean architecture and etc.

If you like to add it, I recommmend checking these links: