
Simple Elixir library for working with configuration files

Primary LanguageElixir

This library is deprecated. Please use the default config library from Elixir's standard library.


Confort is a small Elixir library for working with configuration files.

It expects a configuration file to contain a single Keyword list that it loads at application startup. For example:

    [ global: "some_value",
      my_app1: [ key1: 42,
                 key2: :hello ],
      my_app2: [ key1: 10,
                 key2: :world ] ]

Confort only alllows data and no executable code in configuration files.

How to use

Put it as a dependency in your project and start it by including it to the applications configuration. At startup, Confort looks for a :conf_path keyword in your project's Mix file and tries to load the file it specifies.


    defmodule MyApp.Mixfile do
      use Mix.Project

      def project do
        [ app: :myapp,
          conf_path: "priv/myapp.conf",
          deps: deps ]

      def application do
        [  mod: { MyApp, [] },
           applications: [:confort] ]

      def deps do
        [ { :confort, github: "zambal/confort" } ]

Confort provides two function for getting values from a configuration file: Confort.get/1 and Confort.get/2. The first accepts a key and the second accepts a key and a sub-key. If your project will be used as a dependency in other projects, it is advised to use Confort.get/2, where key is your project's name and sub-key the actual key for your application. This way multiple applications can use Confort without the risk of having name clashes.

Confort also supports reloading a configuration file with Confort.reload/0, or loading one dynamically with Confort.load/1. However, for normal use cases it is not advised to use these functions and let Confort just load the configuration file specified with :conf_path at startup.