
An http handler for iOS and Android

Primary LanguageKotlin


An http networking library for Android & iOS

Sample Usages

Android (Kotlin)

val url = "https://endpoint-url-here"

        onSuccess = { response: HttpCallResponse ->
            // Handle response here...
        onError = { error: Throwable ->
            // Handle error here...

iOS (Swift)

let url = "https://endpoint-url-here"
    .withURL(url: url)
        onSuccess: { (response: HttpCallResponse) in
            // Handle response here...
        onError: { (error: KotlinThrowable) in
            // Handle error here...

Available methods

  • get(onSuccess: (response: HttpCallResponse) -> Unit, onError: (error: Throwable) -> Unit)
  • post(onSuccess: (response: HttpCallResponse) -> Unit, onError: (error: Throwable) -> Unit)
  • put(onSuccess: (response: HttpCallResponse) -> Unit, onError: (error: Throwable) -> Unit)
  • patch(onSuccess: (response: HttpCallResponse) -> Unit, onError: (error: Throwable) -> Unit)
  • update(onSuccess: (response: HttpCallResponse) -> Unit, onError: (error: Throwable) -> Unit)
  • delete(onSuccess: (response: HttpCallResponse) -> Unit, onError: (error: Throwable) -> Unit)

How to Contribute