
Glue code for pure RxJS applications to connect with React-Router, and other operators

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Caballo Vivo

1177. los cementerios no deben estrenarse enterrando un hombre muerto sino un caballo vivo

Thin, opinionated layer for pure RxJS applications to connect with React-Router (or any router using history). It has the advantage of scaling well, allowing more concise and expressive code and a better separation between business logic and view layer.

Here’s the equivalent implementation of the Redux Reddit advanced tutorial with caballo-vivo, in less than 100 lines of code (online sandbox):

// type localStorage.setItem('cv-log', true) in the console to see the logs!
import React from "react"
import { render } from "react-dom"
import { OrderedMap, Map } from "immutable"
import { partialRight } from "ramda"
import { Subject, merge, concat, of, from } from "rxjs"
import { map, catchError, switchMap } from "rxjs/operators"
import { Router, Switch, Route, Link } from "react-router-dom"
import {
} from "@zambezi/caballo-vivo"
import ClipLoader from "react-spinners/ClipLoader"
import "./index.css"

const getPosts$ = new Subject()

const pathToIntent = OrderedMap([
  ["/:subreddit", ({ subreddit }) => getPosts$.next({ subreddit })],
  ["/", () => getPosts$.next({ subreddit: "all" })]

const location$ = createLocation$(pathToIntent).pipe( // (1)
  map(location => state => state.set("location", location))

const redditJourney$ = getPosts$.pipe( // (2)
  switchMap(({ subreddit }) =>
      of(state => state.set("loading", true)), // (3)
        switchMap(res =>
            map(json => json.data.children.map(child => child.data))
        stow("subreddit") // (4)
      createNavigateTo$(subreddit), // (5)
      of(state => state.set("loading", false))
  catchError(() =>
    of(state => state.set("error", "This subreddit is not available"))

merge(location$, redditJourney$)
  .pipe(createStore$(Map()), flog("Render state"), map(toView)) // (6)
  .subscribe(partialRight(render, [document.getElementById("root")]))

function toView(state) { // (7)
  if (state.has("error")) return <p>{state.get("error")}</p>
  if (state.get("loading"))
    return (
      <div className="loader">
        <ClipLoader />
  return (
    <Router history={history}>
      <section className="links">
        {["all", "reactjs", "rxjs", "javascript", "node"].map(l => (
          <Link key={l} to={l}>{`r/${l}`}</Link>
      <hr />
        <Route path="/:subreddit">
            {state.get("subreddit").map(post => (
              <li key={post.id}>
                <a href={post.url} target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
  1. Passing a map to createLocation$ will block the hisory when the route changes and the new url matches one of the keys.

  2. We listen to the getPosts$ intent, triggered by the routes above, to kickstart a complex series of asynchronous events (set/unset loader flag, download subreddit).

  3. When we emit reducer functions, they get executed by the store (see below). All that a reducer function does is get the current state snapshot and return a new snapshot.

  4. stow is just an operator which emits a reducer function to set the value received on a key or path in the store. This pattern is so common that it got its own operator.

  5. createNavigateTo$ unblocks the history and changes the address in the URL bar. At this point, all the routes matching the new address can render.

  6. createStore$ creates a store, which is an rxjs operator that has an initial value, takes reducers function in and spits state snapshots out.

  7. The view function is just a function which takes state snapshots in and generates JSX. Views and state / business logic are decoupled and interchangeable.

For a more advanced example application, please check: https://github.com/gabrielmontagne/fa-doodle