
🚧 Location of projects running under the Swiss Programme for Research on Global Issues for Development (r4d) 🌐

Primary LanguageRMIT LicenseMIT

Swiss research programmes for development


The goal of this project is to show the projects running under the Swiss Programme for Research on Global Issues for Development (r4d) on the world map.

research-earth.ch proof-of-concept

Data dictionary


Subset of P3_GrantExport.csv from P3.

Attribute Type Description
project_number character P3 grant id
project_title character P3 grant title
funding_instrument factor r4d, SPIRIT, etc.
start_date date %b %Y
end_date date %b %Y
approved_amount integer Grant size in CHF
running boolean Inform whether grant is running
institution character coordinating institution
university character coordinating university


Attribute Type Description
project_number character P3 grant id
person_id_snsf character P3 person id
role factor Project as
institute_name character Details
institute_place character Details
institute_id_p3 character P3 institute ID


Attribute Type Description
institute_id character P3 institute number
gmaps_id character Google maps id
gmaps_lat numeric Latitude
gmaps_lng numeric Longitude
gmaps_name character Name on google maps
gmaps_addr character Address on google maps
gmaps_www character Webpage on google maps
gmaps_country character Country on google maps


Attribute Type Description
project_number character P3 grant id
disciplines character P3 discipline name
tier integer Discipline hierarchy

Explore the raw data.


Simplified Tree

├── install.R
├── data
│   ├── disciplines.csv
│   ├── gmaps.csv
│   ├── people.csv
│   ├── projects.csv
│   └── schema.svg
├── docs
│   └── index.html
├── inst
│   └── extdata
│       └── p3-tables.yml
├── README.md
└── Rmd
    ├── explore.Rmd
    └── gather.Rmd


Distributed under the MIT License.


See list of packages in DESCRIPTION file.