Repo to track personal journey about exploring and learning Jetpack Compose (A declarative way to define Android UI) and other state of art Android libraries
- Jetpack Compose: To define Android UI in _
declarative_ way
- Navigation: The Navigation component providing support for Jetpack Compose
- Accompanist: Collection of libraries that aim to supplement Jetpack Compose
- Room: SQLite abstraction for Android
- DataStore: Storage solution to asynchronously, consistently, and transactionally store key-values or Protobuf
- Hilt: Simplifies Dagger implementation on Android
- WorkManager: The recommended solution for persistent work
- kotlinx.serialization: Kotlin multiplatform reflectionless serialization
- kotlinx-datetime: A multiplatform Kotlin library for working with date and time
- kotlinx.coroutines: Way to write asynchronous code that is readable and maintainable
- ktlint: Enforces official Kotlin coding conventions and Android Kotlin Style Guide
- android-emulator-runner: A GitHub Action for installing, configuring and running hardware-accelerated Android Emulators on macOS virtual machines.