
Show the difference between solana-cli and Phantom/Slope wallets regarding generating keypairs

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Show the difference between solana-cli and Phantom/Slope wallets regarding generating keypairs


# npm i
# npm run keypair

This repo demostrates the difference methods used by solana-cli and other wallets:

  • solana-cli directly generate seed from mnomonic and then slice the first 32 bytes, and then generate keypairs; like the following code:
    const seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(mnemonic); 
    console.log(`seed: ${seed.toString('hex')}`);

    let derivedSeed = seed.slice(0, 32);
    const keypair = Keypair.fromSeed(derivedSeed);
    console.log(`pubkey: ${keypair.publicKey}\nsecret key: ${keypair.secretKey}`);
  • Phantom/Slope/Exodus and many other Solana Wallet usually use DerivePath method from ed25519 library to generate keypairs after get the seed. like this:
    const seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(mnemonic); 
    console.log(`seed: ${seed.toString('hex')}`);
    const path = "m/44'/501'/0'/0'";
    const derivedSeed = derivePath(path, seed.toString('hex')).key;
    console.log(`derived seed: ${derivedSeed.toString('hex')}`);

    const keypair = Keypair.fromSeed(derivedSeed);
    console.log(`pubkey: ${keypair.publicKey}\nsecret key: ${keypair.secretKey}`);